E-Collars - seeking feedback

Jan 3, 2008
Feedback: 19 / 0 / 0
One of my furry hunting partners is losing her hearing, so I'm thinking she might be a candidate for an electronic collar. I've no experience with them. She's a flushing dog, so probably no need for one those obnoxious beepers. [emoji6]

While she doesn't range far, she follows her nose with extreme determination. She responded well to whistle commands and hand signals in the past, but now it's become difficult to get her attention. So, I'm thinking an electronic "nudge" might help alert her. Think that'll work?
I have the below. Bought it for my GSP who will. not. walk. on. leash. This collar has a vibrate feature that you can use instead of the shock feature. It's awesome. I have the extended range - they make a cheaper one that has a smaller range.

SportDOG Brand FieldTrainer 1825 Remote Trainer - 1 Mile Range - Rechargeable, Waterproof Dog Training Collar with Tone, Vibration, and Static https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00280Q86U/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_SEeWzbCCAVCTG
Buy a good collar from Lion Country Supply. I would call to see what will fit you're needs. Sounds like she's trained and you won't need much more than a vibrate or a light tick to get it done.
I had to buy one for training my deaf Aussie pup. Buying a few cheap ones from Amazon and having them break, I learned the old adage "buy nice or buy twice," and ended up buying this one:


Phoebe is fully trained on hand signs, but considering she also has one blind eye, she isn't that responsive to hand signals until she actually sees your hand. So using the collar to say "come find me" or "hey look for my hand" and then doing the hand signals works well for us. I also use it to tell her to be aware of her surroundings outside, seems to work well.

After looking at options for training collars, which got me to also look at tracking collars, I ended up ordering a Garmin Alpha 100 with TT15 Mini collar. I'll probably add a TT15 collar for the larger dog, too. Yeah, I don't think I'll be buying that O/U I was wanting for this coming season.
They work good, sometimes the dag just needs a reminder that they still need to pay attention to you. All I have to do is grab my remote and my Lab snaps to attention.

A follow-up to the Garmin Alpha 100 & TT15 collars. I now have a Garmin watch paired to the Alpha 100, and it really adds value to the setup. Being able to simply glance at the watch for the dog's location status makes it a lot easier than reaching for the GPS receiver. It'll display distance and direction, and alerts for on point.

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I have the same setup for my Pudelpointer. Alpha 100 with the Garmin Instinct watch. I had the Alpha first and got the watch later. Much easier to just glance at the watch to see where he is when he goes on point. (The watch also vibrates when he goes on point.) The addition of the watch was definitely a game changer.
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