Does anyone know if...

My guess would be "no", but there's nothing stopping you from
making your own, if you could get rid of/change the FS to a brake,
pin, or replace the stock, etc.

I had entertained the idea, but for the amount of BS youd have to
go through and money involved one is in the same price range where
you could buy a Pre-Ban AR lower and a piston driven upper- and
then not have to deal with the post-ban compliance gayness.

I may contact them and see if they would be interested in custom making me a MA compliant 556 (unthreaded muzzle or fixed MD and fixed stock). Would the rifle have to be submitted to MA government for any sort of approval or could it be shipped direct to an FFL?

I guess it all comes down to the fact that I've always wanted a 550 series rifle. It's too bad the pre '89 import ban 550's are so expensive. Though, one thing I really like about the USA made version is the fact that it takes standard AR/M-16 mags.

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but the laws in this state are not only unconstitutional, but they are also totally absurd.
No approval needed by any agency. But I'm sure Sig would say "no".

If you find a NH FFL to procure one for you and then modify it, you can buy it and bring it to MA once it is "neutered". Just do an FA-10 form (as registration) when you get it here.

It'll probably be an expensive proposition, but the easiest way to deal with it.
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