Different size Ak mags???


NES Member
Mar 29, 2005
South Shore
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Maybe I should know this, but are there different size mags for an AK? It came with the big 30 round ones. I bought a few 10 rounders and they don't fit. They are just a little too big and won't clear the lip that the front of the mag needs to catch on. Is there an easy way to correct this???
insert them by the front end first...there should be a lip on the front of the mag...stick that in first and then work the back in...should help...hope it works
I have a 30 round mag here that doesn't fit also, but if I try the dremel just to fit the one magazine all my other mags may wobble more than they already do.
I had to do that "fix" to get my 75 round drum to fit. I used a Dremel but a file will work just as good.
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