Court Grants Limited Stay to Firearms Policy Foundation, et al. and Their Members in Bumpstock Lawsu


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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Earlier today, the Circuit Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit issued an order in response to an emergency motion filed by Damien Guedes, Firearms Policy Foundation, Madison Society Foundation, Inc., Florida Carry, Inc., and Shane Roden. At midnight tonight, absent action from the Supreme Court, the DOJ intends to begin prosecution of individuals who possess a bumpstock.

Read more: Court Grants Limited Stay to Firearms Policy Foundation, et al. and Their Members in Bumpstock Lawsuit | RECOIL
How will they know who possesses a bump stock?

Same way they find anyone, something stupid happens. This is not a law they are going to go looking for people breaking, this is a "He had a heart attack and while we were in there with EMS we saw he had a bump stock on the rifle he was cleaning" kind of thing. Or someone brings it to a range and a range nazi of some kind turns them in like a nice little commie.
Same way they find anyone, they do something stupid. This is not a law they are going to go looking for people breaking, this is a "He had a heart attack and while we were in there with EMS we saw he had a bump stock on the rifle he was cleaning" kind of thing. Or someone brings it to a range and a range nazi of some kind turns them in like a nice little commie.

One more reason to not clean your firearms.
Same way they find anyone, something stupid happens. This is not a law they are going to go looking for people breaking, this is a "He had a heart attack and while we were in there with EMS we saw he had a bump stock on the rifle he was cleaning" kind of thing. Or someone brings it to a range and a range nazi of some kind turns them in like a nice little commie.
Something stupid, right! PSGWSP or as EC has said many times, "nobody ever got in trouble by keeping their mouth shut". Or keeping their bump stock out of sight!
Someone called the cops on my neighbor shooting last sunday afternoon. Said they heard a machine gun. Of course he showed up at my house when I was not home so wife had to deal with him...
I was mocked when I didn't vote to ban sanctuary cities in NH, often by people who support making the entire state a 2A sanctuary.

Never give your strongest ally the cudgel which your worst enemy would happily use against you.
I am quoting my own post because I don’t think folks grasp what is now going on even in free states.

Someone called the cops on my neighbor shooting last sunday afternoon. Said they heard a machine gun. Of course he showed up at my house when I was not home so wife had to deal with him...

Do you see it now?
I am quoting my own post because I don’t think folks grasp what is now going on even in free states.

Do you see it now?
While I understand your post and we both know that machine guns are still legal under certain circumstances. I don't think of a lot of other folks outside of the community realize that they are still legal to possess especially given that it is not something that is a part of their every day.
Should have backed up the truck to a 2a Sanctuary.

They can’t sell them though, so they are worthless unless that law gets overturned.

But if it does get overturned, there's no way, no how, the ATF will return them.
How will they know who possesses a bump stock?

They’ll only know once they need you take a “deal” just accept if you lawfully own a firearm... your a felon in waiting and move on with your life..... once your a felon or illegal laws don’t even apply to you anymore... then you just go to court.... confess to your next f***up and your out on probation.
While I understand your post and we both know that machine guns are still legal under certain circumstances. I don't think of a lot of other folks outside of the community realize that they are still legal to possess especially given that it is not something that is a part of their every day.

Furthermore any report of a rapid fire device will fall under a new guise to investigate. Do you see why I posted this now? It was not just a lookit the popo popped in post...
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