Concord grapes and the drought.


NES Member
Jul 26, 2012
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Thoughts!?!? Are they going to suck this season? Im heading out for some squirrel hunting and will check my "go to" patch and report back. Anyone else seeing good looking grapes at their local batches or do they look negatively effected due to the lack of rain?
I usually pick them and make jelly. They were pretty small this year and the skins seemed extra bitter. Lots of competition for them from birds due to the drought so I just picked a basket to use as snacks for the chickens. I still have plenty of jelly left from last year so we're not missing out.
I just brought in about 15 pounds today the ones near my stream are fat and taste like i expect, further away small and very sweet. I plan to use more than usual for jam.
Grapes seem fine! 30 pounds of em I picked yesterday! Jam making in progress.
Ended up with 2 dozen 8 ounce jars! Anyone else find the grapes more tart this year?
Wow - mine aren't even ripe yet, and we missed frost this morning by about 3 degrees. Did water them a few times in the last couple months, hope they're okay.
My volunteer grapes in the back were ready to pick earlier than normal, made jelly fine. the wild ones are now ripening. look ok.
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