Concerned resident aims to form armed militia to patrol Stockton

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

There is no indication from that article that this is a well regulated, or even moderately regulated, militia. Sounds like four dumb asses with guns driving around in a car on the wrong side of town, looking for trouble.

I hope this never begins, because if it ends, it will end badly.
I think the billing part of it is to cover the legal term of a Militia, just a guess though.

I didn't think of that. Good point.

There is no indication from that article that this is a well regulated, or even moderately regulated, militia. Sounds like four dumb asses with guns driving around in a car on the wrong side of town, looking for trouble.

I like the way you put that, it made me chuckle. [grin]
There is no indication from that article that this is a well regulated, or even moderately regulated, militia. Sounds like four dumb asses with guns driving around in a car on the wrong side of town, looking for trouble.

This just occurred to me though. At the start of the revolutionary war, the British regulars laughed at how poorly disciplined we Americans were.

The purpose of a militia isn't to line up with how government troops/workers behave. It's to look out for the best interests of the people, to protect the people from a government that can't or won't.

This just occurred to me though. At the start of the revolutionary war, the British regulars laughed at how poorly disciplined we Americans were.

The purpose of a militia isn't to line up with how government troops/workers behave. It's to look out for the best interests of the people, to protect the people from a government that can't or won't.


Kind of like the government we have now [smile]

Crap I hear copters overhead now dammit.
I think its a really good bet that TPTB consider a group of freedom and gun loving advocates an actual or potential militia. I'd be interested in finding out how they define militia. I know we are not by my definition, but i figure our forum and quite possibly my name are on some state hack's list somewhere.
Interesting read on the OP and the comments. I do find it interesting that no one has brought up the fact that the enlightened one, the messiah, the man with the golden tongue, (I better quit the intro before I puke) OBAMA wants to start a civilian security force separate from the military or the police. Sounds like the same thing...except he wants his security force to disarm us so we don't do anything that might threaten his right to rule. Oh, and stomp out talk radio...yeah a real threat to national security.
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