COMMITTED: Democrats Will Run 2016 As “The Gun Control Election”

The right has no viable candidate. Saying this now is a deliberate attempt to claim the american public supports that specific agenda.
If the left and right both have shitty candidates(although that's not really an if for the most part) maybe Gary Johnson could have a fair shot?
It's really funny the Dem congressional campaign is running on it. That is the House Dem's campaign arm. The seats the dem's need to win back are in suburbs and rural areas mainly in the midwest, south and out west and a few places like northern Maine's 2nd congressional district. All these places are very gun friendly and this will go over like a lead balloon.

The DNC is literally bankrupt, they have a negative balance in their bank account right now and they are doing a poor job raising money this year. They will have very little money to throw in the help out.

Obama didn't run against guns in '08 or '12 for a very good reason. It's a very foolish idea if they want to win but I'm happy they are doing it.
And the more they push for gun control, the more people are beginning to realize that, regardless of blame, the .gov cannot provide for your safety. I am running into more democrats even here in MA that don't think gun control does anything and are annoyed with the left for pushing it instead of focusing on other issues that are of more importance.
Funny thing is, Bill Clinton is the one who warned them to stay off it.
They didn't listen and they lost both houses.
Seems the Mrs. doesn't listen for shit.
But then again, she always wore the pants in that household.
What's funny is by their actions it seems neither party wants to win the election. They know it's all going to fail and the party in power will get the blame..
If they run on Gun Control and Ted Cruz gets the GOP nominee, i think the GOP wins the election, if Trump is the nominee, the election is pointless, the Dems will win.
Talk about having no clue as to what is going on in the real world.
Washington Post -
"President Obama’s spokesman said Thursday that the record number of Americans seeking to buy guns in recent weeks is “a tragedy” that the White House is at a loss to explain."

“The more that we see this kind of violence on our streets, the more people go out and buy guns,” said White House press secretary Josh Earnest. “That is both ironic and tragic.”

I'm for Ted Cruz as well. IMHO, he offers me the most when it comes to protecting the Bill of Rights and values I believe important. I'm not completely opposed to Trump, just not convinced he's not just all show. It's definitely an "outsider" for me though, no more establishment BS. Cruz is a know fighter of the establishment. They hate him for it and are scared of him. Interestingly, he might need to be the fallback option for the GOP, if Trump bails as an Independent, or if Rubio won't be considered "outsider" enough for the conservative voters.
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