I went to my club's outdoor pistol range the other day with my favorite pistol, my H&K USP Compact 40. After shooting 50 or so rounds at 50 feet, I thought I would walk down range to about 15-18 feet for some draw and fire work. As no one else was at the club, I could do this safely. I loaded 5 rounds in my mags, set the pistol for double action on the first round and holstered it. I drew and fired double followed by 4 single action shots rapid fire in 5 groups of 5 shots. I blew my mind. After 25 shots, all but 3 were in the black on a 50 foot slow fire pistol target. Most were within a 2 inch group. One outside the black was a flyer, with the other two just outside the black. Decent shooting, the way I see it. I've always said my H&K's will shoot way better than I ever will.