Col. North gets the boot

How about Dana?
Tom Selleck should have been the face of the NRA a long time ago but I suspect he didn't want the BS and I also strongly suspect that their backoffice policies contradict some of his beliefs WRT the 2nd amendment.... the NRA doesn't want to throw away the softball BS or do anything that will, long term, reduce their revenue stream. It's become an 800 pound gorilla that is riding a lark cart and has diabetes and is starting to resemble jabba the hutt... it's literally taking up space in the sphere of rkba politics/discussion/mindshare.
Seems like they are all advocates of the 2A, no doubt, but the problem is they figured out how to get rich being pro 2A.
And on our (membership and big donors) dime.
The NRA is, in a sense, a social institution. Social institutions are founded for a cause or purpose. Over time, as they grow, their purpose becomes secondary to self perpetuation. Those at the top, like LaPierre, have a vested interest in seeing that they continue as it is tied to there own self interest, rather than the reason the institution was created to initially address. I feel, in many ways, the NRA is well into the self perpetuation phase--like the SPLC, ACLU, etc. I'd rather see LaPierre go then Oliver North and have the NRA refocus.
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