Check This Out!

Just saw that on twitter. I work for a company that does insurance software and this has me curious to see what some of our customers stances on the issue are.
we really need a megathread of places to avoid doing business with sadly.
Are they your carrier at your other locations?

I found this and it seems they don't want to be involved with any firearm's retailers although they cite manufacturers here. But they don't seem to be firearm friendly. Odd that your agency would even write a policy from this company when their stance is well advertised.

You'd think your business name would have tipped them off when you applied for the policy but I saw it was the corporate name. . I'd go with one of the specialty companies that target this area.
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It sounds like a separate llc owns the building and leases it to the shop. Many businesses do this to protect property in case of issues with the primary business. So is it a different insurance company that insures the shop itself?

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we really need a megathread of places to avoid doing business with sadly.

A crowd sourced database on a web site might work better. Whenever you wonder about any business's stance on freedom, look them up to see what people say.

I wonder if that would work. Wikipedia worked, and my suggestion is much easier.
Health insurance and car insurance is next. Then we can be treated like illegal aliens!
The potential for insurance business is significant. Think of all the different types of insurance you may be carrying-auto, home, life, business, property, etc... Now think about how many potential customers the company may be sent, because another company is playing politics. Not only that, what if this insurance company did something wild, like offer quality customer oriented service? Hell, they might even get non-gun (not anti gun) customers as well. Let the ant-gun supporting company live off the anti-gun customers, there must be enough of them if they can turn away business like this.

Sometimes you need to fight fire with a hose.
Further proof that the idea of forcing gun owners to get insurance is flawed at best, and likely much worse: a barely veiled plot to make gun ownership impossible.

Step 1 - Make gun owners buy insurance
Step 2 - Make insurance companies refuse to do business with gun-related people or businesses
Step 3 - Profit from melting down "gun buy back" guns

I wonder when homeowners insurance will jump in on this...
The NRA based stuff was expensive IIRC. If someone on here is at Concord Rod and Gun ask the E board who got the insurance coverage for the property. I know a club member worked hard on it and obtained a very good rate.
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