Cerberus Capital: Profiting From Guns and Gun Violence - John Rosenthal

Right. Funny I don't see him going after BAE, Lockheed, General Dynamics, Electric Boat, Boeing, or McDonnell Douglas to name a scant few who supply the armaments the US military uses to kill.
Right. Funny I don't see him going after BAE, Lockheed, General Dynamics, Electric Boat, Boeing, or McDonnell Douglas to name a scant few who supply the armaments the US military uses to kill.

Or GE, talk about a company with huge military and healthcare divisions. The M61 Vulcan is certainly more lethal than anything Cerberus produces.
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Isn't Cerberus Capital the same private equity firm that the NRA and 90% of the tin foil crowd think is just buying up the gun manufacturers so it can shut them down?

Make up your friggin' minds already.
Right. Funny I don't see him going after BAE, Lockheed, General Dynamics, Electric Boat, Boeing, or McDonnell Douglas to name a scant few who supply the armaments the US military uses to kill.

Since he post's on huffington, he should write about how much money Planned Parenthood makes off abortions and how quite a bit of that money is then funneled to the democrat party. Firearms are used for self defense, hunting and sport shooting, all positives. What would be the positive aspects of abortion? Maybe a few percent save the mothers lives? What about the other 98%?

A very very small number of firearms are used in a death. Abortions are by definition death.
Wait, I thought he was only against illegal guns.

I honestly love editorials like this. It really exposes them for what they are: Freedom-haters through and through.
Never heard of this guy before coming on NES. Sounds like a real winner.

For Mr. Rosenthal, who says he's a longtime gun owner. Word to the wise, caulking guns don't count.

Dude has probably never even fired or touched a gun based on what he says.

I find that he continues to call himself a gun owner nothing but comical.

Its just like all these pols that start their anti-2A statements with "I support the 2nd Amendment..." or "I support the Constitution..." like they are trying to convince you and themselves that they actually do.

Same thing with Rosenthal, always talking about how he is a gun owner. He is trying to convince you and himself that he is.
Please, I implore all of you, do not give that guy any clicks.

I won't. I have heard him in person, I have never heard a more sneering, condescending POS in my life. When I saw him at Stow, his ego needed half the stage. He claims to "shoot skeet" with his "duck gun" but would support any and all restrictions. He supports restricting/eliminating rights based on the fake terror/no-fly list, he wants police inspection of houses with guns, he repeatedly lied about Massachusetts being the safest state. A wretched piece of humanity.
I won't forget who this guy is, and if I ever have the misfortune to meet him, I'll do what one member's brother does. I'll ask Rosenthal what school he went to, and no matter what he answers, I'll give him the condescending "Oh, a factory".

He'll probably faint. :D
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