Can somebody just email me when it is "go time?"

Now, by "go time" do you mean when the new Ipad/Iphone is released or when the "upgrade" Facebook[rolleyes]

All the people in office proposing these abortions of laws JUST got reelected. The "majority" no longer cares for freedom, or "rights' unless its there own "right" to receive a tax payer fund handout

All it takes is a few. A few hundred Irishmen kept the crown shaking for quite some time. I feel like there would be quite a bit more than a few hundred in America. Yes, there are plenty of armchair commandos. There are those who will man up though.
All it takes is a few. A few hundred Irishmen kept the crown shaking for quite some time. I feel like there would be quite a bit more than a few hundred in America. Yes, there are plenty of armchair commandos. There are those who will man up though.

My only point is, those who are willing wouldnt ask to be notified by email......

I find is strange how many people talk of revolution but can't take the time to try and stop if from happening in the 1st place. If 1/4 of the people panic hording/buying donated to the cause or wrote a letter to their senator or congressman this wouldn't be an issue in the 1st place
email? not with the email monitoring systems the .gov has in place... they'd be onto us....

anyone have horses? we need riders......

as for the facebook thing, i put the notice out telling antis to get the eff off my friends' list... i lost a few people...
but i gained a few also....

and State Senator Mark Montigny is still a friend on my page so..... we'll see how he goes...
haven't seen him post any anti stuff on his FB, he's been quiet on the firearms issues.....

he does just live up the street from me... so... when you ride by my house "The progressives are coming! The progressives are coming!!"

keep an eye out for him....
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