California bill to expand gun-takeaway law advances to governor's desk


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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California lawmakers approved a bill this week that would expand the list of people who could ask a court for a gun violence restraining order, reports said.

AB2888 passed the state Senate 25-12. It would allow co-workers and school personnel to petition a court to temporarily remove guns from someone they believe poses a danger, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

ICYMI: California lawmakers approved a bill Tuesday that would allow co-workers and school personnel to petition a court to temporarily remove guns from someone they believe poses a danger. California legislators OK bill to expand gun-confiscation law

— San Francisco Chronicle (@sfchronicle) August 29, 2018
The legislation would build on the state's existing "red flag" law, passed in 2014 following a deadly shooting in Isla Vista that resulted in seven deaths, including the shooter, the Huffington Post reported. The law went into effect in 2016.

But critics say that expanding the gun-takeaway law could lead to abuses, the Chronicle reported.

"It is very dangerous when you go after someone's liberty for some perceived security," Craig DeLuz of the Firearms Policy Coalition told Sacramento's KCRA-TV.

"We all want to do what we can to make sure we keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who can potentially be a danger to themselves or others," he said. "But in any case, we must always be careful of violating civil liberties."

Take note, gun grabbers.National Review: Britain’s Failed Weapons-Control Laws Show Why the Second Amendment Matters

— Firearms Policy (@gunpolicy) August 29, 2018
Currently, the red flag law can be used only by immediate family members, roommates and law enforcement, according to reports.

California bill to expand gun-takeaway law advances to governor's desk

HOLY CRAP what a violation!!!

Even a co-worker can petition the court to take you guns away!!!

This bill is ripe for abuse.

There will be a ton of workplace shootings if this passes. Current gun owners will bury guns now and dig them up to get revenge on those who take their rights away.

When people have nothing to lose, they lose it!

If there is not enough evidence to put you in jail you should be free to exercise your rights.

What makes people think the subjects of these gun confiscation orders won't bury guns before the order comes down?

This bill does nothing to help the gun owners and will only make things worse.

All the gun owners will be busy digging for the next few weeks!

Cody Wilson will make a fortune sending Ghost Gunners to California.
The pen is mightier than the sword. If a co-worker can petition to have someone's guns confiscated then the bill should include the right to have someone's cellphone or social media account confiscated for all of the harm they could potentially do.

Can you imagine the shock and outrage? Good because that is how we feel about our guns.
The really scary thing about this to me, is that if your kid offhandedly mentions that you took them to the range last weekend or lets slip that there are guns at home at any point around the wrong teacher, you're f***ed.

Teachers can be some of the most rabid of moonbats, and you can be absolutely sure that they will use this. This is insanity!
Gawd do I feel like I dodged a bullet. 9 years ago when we moved back to MA after 25 years in CA, the gun laws and libtard insanity were about equal in both states. Since then, CA has gone around the bend, with a fury.

90% of my co-workers in CA were pretty liberal but otherwise decent, though misguided, people. But I recall a few that I would call unstable. I can easily see them filling out a form against me, just because they didn't like me. One PhD stands out in my memory. His cube mate had a spent .45 brass on his shelf with a .45 bullet he dug out of the berm sitting in the mouth of the brass. The PhD complained it made him uncomfortable.[rolleyes]
That didn't take long to expand.

How many cops are they willing to sacrifice?
I predicted this crap the minute they started talking about this red flag garbage. I mean think about it. Come to work with your NRA sticker on your car and make the sheep nervous and you’re red flagged. The only silver lining in all of this is if it goes through and comes to insanity like that the system will get overrun with frivolous claims they will have no choice but to walk it back.
The only silver lining in all of this is if it goes through and comes to insanity like that the system will get overrun with frivolous claims they will have no choice but to walk it back.
Hopefully someone will have the $ and energy to run it through the courts and get this kind of no-due-process crap ruled unconstitutional.
Since Moonbeam Brown's reign (of terror) ends this January, there's probably even worse things coming that he will gladly sign.
The really scary thing about this to me, is that if your kid offhandedly mentions that you took them to the range last weekend or lets slip that there are guns at home at any point around the wrong teacher, you're f***ed.

Teachers can be some of the most rabid of moonbats, and you can be absolutely sure that they will use this. This is insanity!
One reason why I’m glad I don’t have kids. If I had a kid in school today with the way these teachers are, I’d be in timeout more than the kid!!
Gawd do I feel like I dodged a bullet. 9 years ago when we moved back to MA after 25 years in CA, the gun laws and libtard insanity were about equal in both states. Since then, CA has gone around the bend, with a fury.

90% of my co-workers in CA were pretty liberal but otherwise decent, though misguided, people. But I recall a few that I would call unstable. I can easily see them filling out a form against me, just because they didn't like me. One PhD stands out in my memory. His cube mate had a spent .45 brass on his shelf with a .45 bullet he dug out of the berm sitting in the mouth of the brass. The PhD complained it made him uncomfortable.[rolleyes]
That egghead pussy should take a trip down to where I was raised. On US Interstate 10 westbound, the Alabama welcome center stands just over the Florida line. Outside the door stands a 2,700 lb. 16 inch high-explosive shell from the USS Alabama. Your co worker's liberal bunghole would eat his underwear if he ever saw that huge projectile!
MD Red Flag law claims first victim.

Anne Arundel police say officers fatally shot armed man as they served protective order to remove guns from house

Baltimore Sun said:
She said her uncle “likes to speak his mind,” but she described him as harmless. She said one of her aunts requested the protective order to temporarily remove his guns.

“I’m just dumbfounded right now,” she said. “My uncle wouldn’t hurt anybody.”


Willis said the officers should have continued to negotiate with her uncle.

Hoo boy. Welcome to reality.
I predicted this crap the minute they started talking about this red flag garbage. I mean think about it. Come to work with your NRA sticker on your car and make the sheep nervous and you’re red flagged. The only silver lining in all of this is if it goes through and comes to insanity like that the system will get overrun with frivolous claims they will have no choice but to walk it back.

The left doesn’t care. They are after all using your own tax dollars against you. They can keep up the fight as long as you keep paying taxes.
I would be fine as long as a false/unwarranted report earns you 10 years in state pen first offense and escalates from there
That doesn't happen now. false Rape cases, SWAT raids, etc. the accuser is protected, as long as it fits the agenda.
People on welfare don't have coworkers so this disproportionately impacts working people. If it were the other way around, all hell would break loose.
I would be fine as long as a false/unwarranted report earns you 10 years in state pen first offense and escalates from there

That will never happen. When someone can accuse you of raping them, and later admit they were lying or be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they were lying and nothing happens to them. Don't expect anyone to ever face the consequences for lying to have someone's guns taken away.
The really scary thing about this to me, is that if your kid offhandedly mentions that you took them to the range last weekend or lets slip that there are guns at home at any point around the wrong teacher, you're f***ed.

Teachers can be some of the most rabid of moonbats, and you can be absolutely sure that they will use this. This is insanity!
Exactly, there's a lot of people , many residing in this state, that think the mere presents of a firearm is a danger to everyone.
That will never happen. When someone can accuse you of raping them, and later admit they were lying or be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they were lying and nothing happens to them. Don't expect anyone to ever face the consequences for lying to have someone's guns taken away.

that's why lying has been Ds method of choice and is a highly praised skill.
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