Cabelas in NH

Sep 2, 2006
Southern New Hampshire
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Someone told me the other day that Cabelas has broken ground on their new store in Hookset NH. Has anyone else heard this? They have been talking about this for quite a while so I would be psyched if it is finaly coming.
Hmmm...well I hope he's right too. Weird that they would put one in Connecticut though and not NH. Wouldn't NH be a bigger market for them than CT?
I don't think that is what's going on.

Last I heard was that Hooksett was still negotiating with the company over who would be paying for many of the improvements. The residents were balking at using millions in tax money for a private company. As of late Oct. 06, the town wanted a proof that the company would cover the 18 million dollar bond issue they would have to pass to make the improvements to the area. The site is said to be right off of I93.

The Cabelas that is being built back in my town in NJ was advertised on their websight for a year plus before the grould was even broken.
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Originally I had heard Nashua but haven't heard anything since. Well except for them also opening a store up here in S.Portland.
Strange but this summer I noticed a large trailer truck with the Cabelas logo on it's side going north on rt. 91..Was wondering where but was not able to find out anything..just the announced Conn. store..
Hookseet is the location but the terms of the bond issue have to be worked out.

It took almost three years of negotiations for the NJ location before the announcement of its opening was made and it will be almost two years of construction before opening in mid 2007.And that date will probably be missed based on the progress so far.
Remember why Cabela's fell thru in MA. The town refused to give them all sorts of tax breaks!

Likely they are negotiating road improvements by the State (NH) and tax breaks by the town in question. Unless Cabela's gets what it wants, no store!

Thus, these negotiations are likely to take longer than the actual construction (which oftentimes takes 12-18 months after the shovel is put in the ground).

This is a way off!
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