I searched around but can't find a clear answer to this question. Than again I'm about as handy at searching as Stevie Wonder lost in the woods.[sad2]
On the section of my C&R renewal form that asks:
a. How many firearms have you bought or acquired with your firearms license over the past 3 years?
b. How many firearms have you sold or disposed of with your license over the past 3 years?
Do I list firearms that I bought using my license or total number of C&R eligible guns bought while licensed? Some gun shops have frowned upon sales such as Russian SKS rifles as C&R so I went through the background check when buying them. I think there have been 5 C&R eligible rifles that I either didn't have a copy of my license handy, or went through the check because the shop owner didn't think the rifle was C&R eligible. They're listed in my bound book, but should those be inlcuded in the total number of rifles bought using my license? It doesn't say bought while licensed.
On the section of my C&R renewal form that asks:
a. How many firearms have you bought or acquired with your firearms license over the past 3 years?
b. How many firearms have you sold or disposed of with your license over the past 3 years?
Do I list firearms that I bought using my license or total number of C&R eligible guns bought while licensed? Some gun shops have frowned upon sales such as Russian SKS rifles as C&R so I went through the background check when buying them. I think there have been 5 C&R eligible rifles that I either didn't have a copy of my license handy, or went through the check because the shop owner didn't think the rifle was C&R eligible. They're listed in my bound book, but should those be inlcuded in the total number of rifles bought using my license? It doesn't say bought while licensed.