BREAKING: New York Governor Cuomo Civilian Disarmament Bills Drop: Seven Point Plan

Cuomo has always been strongly anti-gun. He was the Clintons' point man on the blackmail deal that almost sunk Smith & Wesson. Gun makers were being sued all over the place for crimes committed with their products, even if the guns were stolen, and even when there was no mechanical malfunction. Cuomo and Clinton promised the British owners of S&W they'd get rid of the lawsuits if they would sign an agreement to regulate sales above and beyond the law, install the stupid lock and a bunch of other crap. It caused S&W sales to crater and a lot of the help was laid off. The Brits finally sold the business for pennies on the dollar, and things slowly got better. The lock never went away, though.
There is no bright side to shit like this. The citizens of NY, especially those in upstate need to heed the warning and stand ground. Unbelievable. [angry]

Well that would make it easier for the communist like him who's ultimate desire is to control and debilitate. He's a scum bag- Nuff Said!
The only point that makes " some" sense is #4.

So you can accidently kill someone drunk driving - 2 years and can driven again at the end of the year. Driving is a privilege.
Carry a 30 count magazine - 5 years and can never get a weapon again. 2nd amendment says carrying is your right.

Oh yea, this sounds so fair.
what are you talking about? this is a huge win for us. do you know what they were talking about in NY? Confiscating weapons that can take more than 7 rounds. And now its down to this. We won NY.

Unless you are bring sarcastic this sort of thinking is exactly what the gun control nuts want. They ask for the moon so that when it actually comes to debating our side thinks they are getting a bargain. Nothing of what he proposes would have made squat of a difference to what happened at Newtown but he's not about to let a crisis go waste...

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Cuomo said “New York State led the way on guns once before. It was the Sullivan’s law of 1911, which was the first-in-the-nation gun control law. A model law,” he explained

The purpose of the Sullivan law was to prevent Italians from getting guns,
I always bring this up to antis who have Italian surnames.

Hey Andrew Cuomo, " Vaffanculo, Strunzo! "
Shit like this is why my grandfather was born with an Italian surname, and died with a Waspy one [angry] .
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