Boxboro Ham Convention : Tech In A Day Course

Jun 5, 2010
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Ok, here is another Tech In A Day course.

"Tech in a Day" study course *FREE*
Saturday, September 10 - 9AM to 5PM

The Boxboro committee is pleased to announce that the
Cape Ann Amateur Radio Association is holding a technician study course at the 2016 convention. There is no charge for the course, though CAARA asks that you consider donating $5 to offset the course of materials and snacks. After the end of the class, there will be a special VE Exam for course attendees. There is an FCC established $15 exam fee.

Click here to see the course flyer.

Still more information can be found here.

Please contact W4HIX if you have any questions.

Please preregister for the class with this ONLINE SIGN UP FORM
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