Boston Herald anti-gun editorial

Ben Cartwright SASS

NES Member
Apr 28, 2009
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There is an anti-gun editorial in today Herald. Filled with the usual half truths and untruths.
Says yo9u can buy an AK even if you have a criminal record and can give it to someone else who has a felony assault record.

It is very sarcastic and something I would expect in the Boston Globe or the NY Times
Hard to find because it is not an Editorial but instead an Op-Ed. Also the lack of title made it harder as one had to browse to realize what was discussed.

A Christmas gory
By Dan Thomasson
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You can't take a journalist opinion seriously especially when it comes to firearms.
WHY is fox news so anti-gun? Seems their audience would want to hear pro-gun news.
Pro=gun stories are not "sexy" to non-gun people.

If it bleeds, it leads. When's the last time you heard a tease for a positive story (other than a trapped kitten ) going into a commercial break.

I actually remember seeing a few progun spots on Fox News after the Arizona shooting. They were talking about how the guy in the convenience store who was carrying ran out there when he heard shots to help and how it was a good thing that there are people out there carrying concealed.
My response.

Maybe you should get your facts straight, rather then spew anti-gun dribble that would be unfit even for a high school news paper. Anyone convicted of a felony, a violent act, or domestic abuse can not, repeat, can not own a firearm legally. A criminal is not going to stop doing crime, performing acts against citizens because he/she does not have a gun legally. Even with out a gun, a knife or bat would be used. You actually think that adding more laws will stop a criminal? I laugh at the "No Gun" signs I see in stores. Do you think that the criminal was going to rob the store with a weapon, but upon seeing the sign in the front door they turned around and said, "No, they won't allow it guns/weapons so I won't rob them."?

Legal citizens have the right to bear arms. It's sop important they made it THE Second Amendment. Once we start losing the Second Amendment, the First Amendment is right behind.

Let me ask you this, Mr. Thomasson, how many Gun stores and Firing ranges do you see getting robbed?
"Conveniently" i cannot post an opposing view on the article,, seems my password/username mysteriously wont work and asking to be sent a new password doesnt seem to be working either,,
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