Bloomberg Suggests Banning Young Minority Males from Gun Ownership

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May 5, 2009
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According to The Aspen Times, Bloomberg addressed a variety of topics, and after commenting on poverty and education, he discussed guns. The Times reported that he said, “Cities need to get guns out of [the] … hands” of persons who are “male, minority, and between the ages of 15 and 25.”

He claimed that “95 percent of all murders fall into this category” and that taking guns away from them will not only reduce crime, but will “keep them alive.”

Bloomberg said male minorities from the ages of 15 to 25 do not have a good outlook on life and “think they’re going to get killed anyway because all their friends are getting killed.” He also said having a gun “is a joke” for them, that “it’s a joke to pull the trigger.”

Just as most of us suspected BLOOMBERG IS A RACIST!..and proves to us ( what we've already known ) the Hardcore Liberals are the TRUE racist!
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Thanks Adolf, maybe we should put them all in camps too, with no 48oz soft drinks. And we thought Obama set back race relations 40 years, let's elect this guy.
Wasn't this the original premise of gun control?
Close your eyes, you have 2 conceal and carry men. One saves your life and the other steals your wallet. What race is each person?

Trick question... They are both white, and they are not men, they are transgendered. So no more firearms for white transgendered people between the ages of 21-24
I really, REALLY hope he's serious about jumping into the race in March. Can anyone else say fractured democratic party?
Just as most of us suspected BLOOMBERG IS A RACIST!..and proves to us ( what we've already known ) the Hardcore Liberals are the TRUE racist!

Believe me, I am not a Bloomberg apologist in any way, can't stand the guy. I do believe that a lot of Libs are really racist and classist under the covers but I am not sure this story is evidence of that. He also didn't directly reference race, what he actually said was "minority" and he wasn't talking about banning anything, at least not in those quotes. What he said was "get them out of the hands of" big difference than calling for a ban of ownership amongst a class of people. I think even he knows that the demographic he's talking about doesn't apply for firearms licenses and doesn't go to regular gun shops whether he's admitted to that publicly or not.

Is he wrong about the fact that most crimes and violence using guns is perpetrated by 15-25 yr old minorities (mostly gang bangers) in major cities? I don't think he's wrong based on the stats I have seen. So if this is what he is saying is the problem and the solution for gun related crimes and deaths in the cities lies in solving that problem, I am all for that. As long as he is talking about law enforcement and outreach to those groups and also stays away from calling for more infringement of law abiding gun ownership. Do I really believe he will stop there or that he is genuine about this line of rhetoric? No, I think maybe this is him backing away a bit from his full retard stances of the past since it has come out he's considering a presidential run. But anyway, I can't read into those quotes all the stuff you guys are ascribing to them, though with his track record, I do understand why.
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Believe me, I am not a Bloomberg apologist in any way, can't stand the guy. I do believe that a lot of Libs are really racist and classist under the covers but I am not sure this story is evidence of that. He also didn't directly reference race, what he actually said was "minority" and he wasn't talking about banning anything, at least not in those quotes. What he said was "get them out of the hands of" big difference than calling for a ban of ownership amongst a class of people. I think even he knows that the demographic he's talking about doesn't apply for firearms licenses and doesn't go to regular gun shops whether he's admitted to that publicly or not.

Is he wrong about the fact that most crimes and violence using guns is perpetrated by 15-25 yr old minorities (mostly gang bangers) in major cities? I don't think he's wrong based on the stats I have seen. So if this is what he is saying is the problem and the solution for gun related crimes and deaths in the cities lies in solving that problem, I am all for that. As long as he is talking about law enforcement and outreach to those groups and also stays away from calling for more infringement of law abiding gun ownership. Do I really believe he will stop there or that he is genuine about this line of rhetoric? No, I think maybe this is him backing away a bit from his full retard stances of the past since it has come out he's considering a presidential run. But anyway, I can't read into those quotes all the stuff you guys are ascribing to them, though with his track record, I do understand why.

It is more than clear that Bloomberg's solution is to ban all personal ownership of guns, a la NYC. He only regards a gun as needed to protect the wealthy elite such as himself.
It is more than clear that Bloomberg's solution is to ban all personal ownership of guns, a la NYC. He only regards a gun as needed to protect the wealthy elite such as himself.

Yes, i agree with what you are saying and I know what he is. I am just saying to jump all over this quote is a bit overreaction given that it actually makes sense from a "gun violence" reduction standpoint. Unlike everything else he and his ilk try to do.
My wife this morning said "Bloomberg might be good, he cleaned up New York City."

I said "yeah, like Hitler cleaned up Germany's streets."

Fascism reduces crime, there's no argument there.
Is he wrong about the fact that most crimes and violence using guns is perpetrated by 15-25 yr old minorities (mostly gang bangers) in major cities? I don't think he's wrong based on the stats I have seen. So if this is what he is saying is the problem and the solution for gun related crimes and deaths in the cities lies in solving that problem, I am all for that. As long as he is talking about law enforcement and outreach to those groups and also stays away from calling for more infringement of law abiding gun ownership. Do I really believe he will stop there or that he is genuine about this line of rhetoric? No, I think maybe this is him backing away a bit from his full retard stances of the past since it has come out he's considering a presidential run. But anyway, I can't read into those quotes all the stuff you guys are ascribing to them, though with his track record, I do understand why.

He's not wrong but that should be meaningless, given this thing we're supposed to have called civil rights. You can't **** with someones rights based on a combination of age, gender, and racial discrimination. Someone either believes in these rights or they don't- and Bloomberg obviously does not. I can hear the guh buh wuh-ing from here, but I'd rather live in a country where these rights are maintained regardless of the cost. There are 900 other ways to address these problems but Bloomberg and others target guns because they're not actually interested in the problem, just using it as a tool to ban private gun ownership. This isn't about street violence, if anyone believes that, they're missing a few brain cells.

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He's not wrong but that should be meaningless, given this thing we're supposed to have called civil rights. You can't **** with someones rights based on a combination of age, gender, and racial discrimination. Someone either believes in these rights or they don't- and Bloomberg obviously does not. I can hear the guh buh wuh-ing from here, but I'd rather live in a country where these rights are maintained regardless of the cost. There are 900 other ways to address these problems but Bloomberg and others target guns because they're not actually interested in the problem, just using it as a tool to ban private gun ownership. This isn't about street violence, if anyone believes that, they're missing a few brain cells.


The elites in America will never feel safe while the people are armed.
He's not wrong but that should be meaningless, given this thing we're supposed to have called civil rights. You can't **** with someones rights based on a combination of age, gender, and racial discrimination. Someone either believes in these rights or they don't- and Bloomberg obviously does not. I can hear the guh buh wuh-ing from here, but I'd rather live in a country where these rights are maintained regardless of the cost. There are 900 other ways to address these problems but Bloomberg and others target guns because they're not actually interested in the problem, just using it as a tool to ban private gun ownership. This isn't about street violence, if anyone believes that, they're missing a few brain cells.


yep, sometimes liberty can be a bit dangerous. Even so, it's still preferable to the alternative.
What Bloomers is alluding to is crime data from NYC. Over 90% of homicides and over 90% of all violent crime in NYC is committed by young black and Hispanic men/boys. This is according NYPD witness and victim statements.
Of course, that doesn't mean his position on disarming the law abiding young adults is correct. It is already illegal for children 15 to 17 to possess a firearm (while not with their parents). It is already illegal for adult 18 to 20 to carry concealed or even buy a handgun at a FFL. So what he is saying is that he wants to make it illegal for any male minority, age 21 to 25, to buy or possess a firearm. Does that means they cannot serve in the military or become police officers too?
Bloomer is a liberal racist arshat. Like many liberal he suffers from racism of low expectations. What a 'tard.
What Bloomers is alluding to is crime data from NYC. Over 90% of homicides and over 90% of all violent crime in NYC is committed by young black and Hispanic men/boys. This is according NYPD witness and victim statements.

well since it is IMPOSSIBLE for a young NYC youth to legally acquire a handgun....there is clearly no need for new laws, especially ones that do not work on non-NYC youths.
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