Bloomberg dumps $3 million into Virginia elections.

Don't know about "only running in the D.C. suburbs" - I'm pretty sure I saw the TV ad referred to in the article, in Roanoke this past weekend.
It sure as heck was NOT running in Saturation - I saw it only once.
If I owned a TV station down there, or anywhere, I'd charge Bloomberg $17 million just to run a single, 20sec ad. And then turn around and give most of that to the pro 2a candidates AND discounted commercial time. :D
He dumped money into the Colorado recall elections too. That didn't go so well for him.

He got the laws he wanted passed. WTF does he care if his flunkies got ousted after? It will be years till they get those laws repealed if at all.
Should go over like a lead balloon... even the moonbats in most of the state bulk-buy pmags.

I speak from experience, I worked with one who shortly after gong on a social justice rant waxed poetic about his Ruger SuperRedhawk in .357
This is troubling. Hadn't paid much attention to VA politics before, but recently our focus for a place to retire has shifted from NC to southwest VA, Roanoke area. The only good news I can find is that the R's still have a solid majority in the house (67%).
Bloomberg should spend more money. He is like the kiss of death. Bloomberg and people think nanny state New York City and stupid soda bans. Ask Colorado
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