Biden on AP ammo

What a moron. Pretty much any center fire rifle round will punch right through a IIIA vest. I wouldn't be surprised if even a frangible .223 round could penetrate a IIIA vest.
What a moron. Pretty much any center fire rifle round will punch right through a IIIA vest. I wouldn't be surprised if even a frangible .223 round could penetrate a IIIA vest.

yup and they will probably come after M855 again even though its NOT AP. God I cant stand the LIES
two grown men who want to deny the rights of americans without even being able to define "armor piercing". full retard.
They just recycle the same old stuff

It would be hysterical if it weren't so concerning. Notice how each mass murder was being used to further a single prohibitionist goal?

Sandy Hook = Mandatory UBC
Orlando = Secret Government Watch Lists
Dallas = AP ammo

I'm sure I'm forgetting one.
They can have it all back. In short bursts...
Once again, someone flips out and shoots [cops, students, night-clubbers, etc.] and we are the problem. [thinking]

Joe blow, what do you know? Nuttin.
What the hell do they do with him between bursts of stupidity at the mic ?
I'm thinking a room in the WH basement with no sharp corners on the furniture.
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