Biden just took a 15 point lead over Trump

That's because no one needs to campaign anymore. D will vote D no matter what, and R will vote R.

Anyone that bothers to do research will most likely vote third party, stay at home or vote R.

So why waste money putting a show?

Also, campaigning would only hurt Biden. I am surprised Trump is not challenging him to start debating.
In the 10 states with wonkies (that decide elections) the “show” is pretty necessary. OH, MI, FL, PA, bunch of others all flutter when the wind blows.... Trump won last time because he campaigned hard in middle america....

I'd say President Trump has Pokey Joe right where he wants him.
Everything you all say here about that Biden fella is true.

I don't care. At this point, ANYBODY BUT TRUMP.


I would agree, except for the likelihood that the senate flips. There are always horrible and partisan laws that get passed when one party controls both legislative and executive.

If the dems have both chambers of Congress and the presidency, they are going to push through some incredibly dangerous and permanent infringements on the 2A. What has been pushed through and attempted to be pushed through in Virginia is just scratching the surface. We might end up with most semi-auto rifles banned and online ammo sales could be banned.
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1. There is only one poll that matters.

2. Asking people in July who they are voting for is asking them what dessert they are going to eat at Christmas first. In July it's a complete toss-up.

3. If, on the rare stupid chance that the D's get all the WH and both houses, the likelihood of them passing gun control is extra slim.

Remember - Obama had a SUPERmajority and passed. . . . Pelosicare. And it took over a year to pass it. (Oh yeah - he did Benjamins for Bupkis or Hard Cash for Hoopties or whatever. THAT was a major accomplishment!) Not even an ATTEMPT at gun control during those first 2 years.

They will pass SOMETHING ugly. And it'll be one thing. One and done. That's all you get. Then 2 years later you lose the House because your "one thing" costs a ton of political capital in purple states.

Honestly - knowing (I guess they really didn't know) they were gonna lose their jobs, they should have stuffed about 10 uber-liberal bills across Barack's desk back then. Go big then go home. ;)
I’ve yet to see a Biden bumper stick or lawn sign. I know that doesn’t mean much but I don’t see any great enthusiasm behind him
You need to get out more. One of my moonbat neighbors has a lawn sign but I do see a lot of Biden bumper stickers. I usually try to get real close to them at highway speeds or block their view with my truck at an intersection when I can.
My wife and I got mail-in ballot "applications" (as if we requested them). All it takes is someone recognizing the ballot's (very distinct) exterior, opening it on my behalf, and filling out the "request an alternate address for the ballot" field. The penalties about falsifying the signature are a joke. How on earth do you enforce it? The truth is they have no incentive to.

In order for such fraud to have any significant effect, a huge number of mail-in ballot applications would need to be intercepted and have their addresses changed to redirect the ballots to either a single address, or to a small number of addresses. That would be trivially easy to recognize and investigate since you'd have huge numbers of ballots directed to be sent to the same place(s).

It would also require significant manpower to achieve (someone's gotta hit those mailboxes), which means lots of potential leaks and people who could be caught in the act and squeal once being interrogated.

Same problems apply if you go around trying to steal the actual ballots from people's mailboxes.

And these are just problems that me, some idiot on the Internet, can come up with. I bet there's even more problems I haven't thought of.

Mail-in ballot fraud is difficult to pull off on any scale that would actually affect the outcome of an election without getting caught.
I want Trump to win a second term just so I can see the moonbats and uber libs loose their minds again. It just warms my cockles seeing the liberal tears and screaming when they don't get their way.

In reality though sometimes Trump is his own worst enemy. I watched some of his rant on Fox from over the weekend and he just comes out as a complete ahole. These kinds of things is where he can loose moderates that he needs. Sometimes he just needs to shut up. Not his style and will never happen, but if he looses that will be the main reason for it.
In reality though sometimes Trump is his own worst enemy. I watched some of his rant on Fox from over the weekend and he just comes out as a complete ahole. These kinds of things is where he can loose moderates that he needs. Sometimes he just needs to shut up. Not his style and will never happen, but if he looses that will be the main reason for it.

This is the thing I don't think a lot of Trump diehards don't understand. Trump doesn't need to win over the diehards - they will vote for Trump no matter what. He needs to win over the squishy "moderate" voters, the ones who usually vote Republican but will consider voting for a Democrat. He won over a lot of them in 2016 with his "drain the swamp" messaging, his promises to various interest groups, and his political outsider status. Now he's been President for nearly a whole term and there are a lot of people who voted for him in 2016 who aren't terribly impressed.

“Take the guns first, go through due process second"
In order for such fraud to have any significant effect, a huge number of mail-in ballot applications would need to be intercepted and have their addresses changed to redirect the ballots to either a single address, or to a small number of addresses. That would be trivially easy to recognize and investigate since you'd have huge numbers of ballots directed to be sent to the same place(s).

It would also require significant manpower to achieve (someone's gotta hit those mailboxes), which means lots of potential leaks and people who could be caught in the act and squeal once being interrogated.

Same problems apply if you go around trying to steal the actual ballots from people's mailboxes.

And these are just problems that me, some idiot on the Internet, can come up with. I bet there's even more problems I haven't thought of.

Mail-in ballot fraud is difficult to pull off on any scale that would actually affect the outcome of an election without getting caught.
In the Big Dump Cities I'm anticipating Ryder trucks filled with ballots. If their "leadership" can get away with calling rioters "peaceful protesters" what makes you think they won't be that blatant come November?
In the Big Dump Cities I'm anticipating Ryder trucks filled with ballots. If their "leadership" can get away with calling rioters "peaceful protesters" what makes you think they won't be that blatant come November?

Maybe because one is saying words, and the other is committing vote fraud on a scale that would be trivially caught and also not of much benefit considering the fact that people in cities tend to vote Democratic anyways. If you want to commit vote fraud to benefit the Democratic candidate, you'd have to travel throughout the vast swaths of non-urban areas and collect their applications/ballots.

Think of it from a logistics standpoint - how many people would need to be in on the plan in order to pull it off? Now, think about how hard it is to keep a secret when even a handful of people are involved. Do you really think fraud on such a scale could be pulled off without someone spilling the beans?
If I were polled, I would say I'm voting for creepy joe just to keep them hopeful. I figure A LOT of R's might be doing the same. 90% probably dont want to deal with any possible backlash from the "tolerant left" and keep their political beliefs to themselves.
I highly doubt that is playing any significant part. We tried playing that game with the atty general primary in MA in 2014. Healey won the final election by a landslide.
Everything you all say here about that Biden fella is true.

I don't care. At this point, ANYBODY BUT TRUMP.


So glad your girl lost first time around. Good luck with Joe.

Don’t worry....sure he has over 4 decades in public service and really he cannot put his name to anything meaningful or not, but really, these next 4 years would be different. He would really do...something
Maybe because one is saying words, and the other is committing vote fraud on a scale that would be trivially caught and also not of much benefit considering the fact that people in cities tend to vote Democratic anyways. If you want to commit vote fraud to benefit the Democratic candidate, you'd have to travel throughout the vast swaths of non-urban areas and collect their applications/ballots.
1. Words??!? Are you aware of what's going on in some of these cities?
2. You most certainly would not have to travel hither and yon. Votes for Presidental electors are tallied state-wide (likewise for state-wide offices like governor or US senator). For smaller districts, they're tallied district-wide, but are typically gerrymandered in such a way as to include a Big Dump City. BDC populations in many places dwarf outlying populations (which is a lot of the source of the mess we're in now - see Reynolds v Sims).
1. Words??!? Are you aware of what's going on in some of these cities?
2. You most certainly would not have to travel hither and yon. Votes for Presidental electors are tallied state-wide (likewise for state-wide offices like governor or US senator). For smaller districts, they're tallied district-wide, but are typically gerrymandered in such a way as to include a Big Dump City. BDC populations in many places dwarf outlying populations (which is a lot of the source of the mess we're in now - see Reynolds v Sims).

So Trump is definitely not going to lose, but if he does lose it will be because of massive voter fraud which there will be no evidence for but definitely happened.

So Trump is definitely not going to lose, but if he does lose it will be because of massive voter fraud which there will be no evidence for but definitely happened.

I never said he's not going to lose - if he does it will most certainly be due to massive fraud. The mechanisms to cloak it - mail-in voting, automagic voter registration, relaxation of balloting materials possession laws ("ballot harvesting"), ... - are being put in place right now.
In reality though sometimes Trump is his own worst enemy. I watched some of his rant on Fox from over the weekend and he just comes out as a complete ahole. These kinds of things is where he can loose moderates that he needs. Sometimes he just needs to shut up. Not his style and will never happen, but if he looses that will be the main reason for it.

This, if his messaging isn't tuned for wonkies in the swing states, he can lose those states....
I never said he's not going to lose - if he does it will most certainly be due to massive fraud. The mechanisms to cloak it - mail-in voting, automagic voter registration, relaxation of balloting materials possession laws ("ballot harvesting"), ... - are being put in place right now.

So there is no scenario in which Trump loses the election and it is because he legitimately lost the election? If he loses it's definitely because of fraud?

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?
So there is no scenario in which Trump loses the election and it is because he legitimately lost the election? If he loses it's definitely because of fraud?

Do you understand how ridiculous that sounds?

It's not that ridiculous to assume that a combination of voter fraud and loss of wonkie voters abandonment could do him in. I don't think it's "strictly fraud" but if we had an iron clad
system in this country for voting security, I'm pretty sure that, the odds of trump losing would be somewhere around me winning the powerball.
I cannot wait for the comedy that Joe screws up a perfectly written acceptance speech on DNC convention in front if a national audience, and ‘WTF have we done?’ goes through the mind of every dems!
First of all out in public Trump support is literally costing people their careers so there is that and the only way Biden wins is through colossal voter fraud which would eventually be exposed hence the giant push for all these blue states mandating mail in voting. Now if the swing states all push for that it could be a sh*tshow
Don’t worry....sure he has over 4 decades in public service and really he cannot put his name to anything meaningful or not, but really, these next 4 years would be different. He would really do...something

There's plenty meaningful from those 4 decades, but none that he or the media want brought up at this stage.
It's not that ridiculous to assume that a combination of voter fraud and loss of wonkie voters abandonment could do him in. I don't think it's "strictly fraud" but if we had an iron clad
system in this country for voting security, I'm pretty sure that, the odds of trump losing would be somewhere around me winning the powerball.

But saying that Trump can't possibly lose absent massive vote fraud is ridiculous tinfoil-hat conspiracy theory territory. It also sets us up for a prolonged battle after the election when Trump inevitably refuses to accept the results regardless of whether there is any actual evidence of fraud. All he has to do is make vague claims about the "possibility" of there having been fraud and all the Trump diehards will eat it up.
As much as I don't want biden to win and love what Trump has done for my stock portfolio, he's really blundering covid lately and whatever the f*** is going on in Portland doesn't look good either. These are by far the two most important issues on hand right now, and the optics are not good.
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