Bear meat parasites

Yup, trich. Rare parasite my ass. I bet most bears carry it. Always cook bear thoroughly.

It's a nasty bugger but it doesn't kill you. Easily treatable. But I believe once you have it is in you for the rest of your life.

Ground bear and pressure canned are the best way to eat in my opinion. And both methods are an easy way to ensure it's safe to eat.

I think it's funny that we don't think twice about the crap we buy from the store, which are all injected with god knows what. I will take animals harvested from the wild over store bought all day long. Even bear with trich.
There's some info that cooking for a longer duration at a lower temp ( like sous vide) can allow you to enjoy at a lower temp.
I don't think it is worth the risk. The meat usually has a high fat content so there is a lot of great meals you can make with it. The flavor of bear is excellent even when fairly well done. It's unlike any game animal as far as I'm concerned..... as long as it wasn't eating a dead animal when you killed it. If you want a rare cut of meat, use another animal.

YES! Not common but not necessarily "rare." Although getting a case where a researcher can do some work IS rare.

Yup, trich. Rare parasite my ass. I bet most bears carry it. Always cook bear thoroughly.

It's a nasty bugger but it doesn't kill you. Easily treatable. But I believe once you have it is in you for the rest of your life.

Ground bear and pressure canned are the best way to eat in my opinion. And both methods are an easy way to ensure it's safe to eat.

I think it's funny that we don't think twice about the crap we buy from the store, which are all injected with god knows what. I will take animals harvested from the wild over store bought all day long. Even bear with trich.

How about having your rear-bear (or rare-bare) with some apple-sauce?

I've always found that to be the stupidest thing in the free world. But for as long as I recall (they may still do it), my mom would have a jar of apple sauce with pork chops. Because Trichinosis. LOL. Forget they eradicated trichinosis in pork around 1980. Plus she would cook the HELL out of it. Like rubber pork chops. Dry as hell. The applesauce helped with that as well.

Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations​

"Globally, approximately 11 million individuals are infected with Trichinella roundworms. Ivermectin kills Trichinella spiralis, the species responsible for most of these infections."
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