Back-blast area NOT secure!

He got the entire wave of overpressure right into the back of his head from barely a meter away; I'd be suprised if he lived. On a side note, is this video from libya? The return fire sure as shit doesn't sound like that of any good military and these guys are a joke (obviously)
Same thing with the AT4. You can't even fire the normal AT4 indoors. They had to make the CS model so you can fire it from inside.
Hip-firing an RPG is just as effective as spraying 7.62x39 into the air.

Unfortunately for Slobo, the backblast is just as effective no matter what the effect on target happens to be.
Maybe that's why they are always yelling as to where the "Snack bar is at", they are all either to damn stupid or deaf to hear the direction!!

I wish I could give a rep point to the cameraman that never flinched during the whole thing. He just kept on filming.
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He was dead before the fall, the pressure from that did all kinds of nasty shit to organs and his brain.

Sent from my mom's basement. Using Samsung GSIII
I envision a version of this with SAFETY DANCE playing and the guy with the RPG launcher dekeing back and forth, kind of like the Hitler safety dance....

Ok, I'm going to hell now...

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