At the only gun shop in Thousand Oaks, fearful residents decide it's time to buy a gun


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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The Borderline Bar and Grill in Thousand Oaks, site of the nation's latest major deadly mass shooting, rests just north of a residential neighborhood in this normally placid California enclave.

The horror that erupted there late Wednesday night brought out Brandon Simone and his neighbor, Molly, who live in apartments down the street from the bar.

Molly, who asked that her last name not be used for her own safety, opened up her apartment and meager first-aid kit to survivors suffering broken bones, open gashes and mental anguish while they awaited medical treatment.

Following that sleepless night, Simone and Molly drove together three miles down the road to VC Defense, the only brick-and-mortar gun store in town.

Simone, 35, is a single father who previously vowed never to have a gun in the same home as his kid. But while his teenage son Ethan skateboarded outside, he asked the shop's owner what he needed to do to buy a 9-millimeter pistol.

At the only gun shop in Thousand Oaks, fearful residents decide it's time to buy a gun
“I get a lot of closet liberals, people who normally would never want anything to do with a firearm, and I train them and they secretly own firearms,”

You mean that those Prius driving liberals, the ones who always scream for more gun control and vote for anti-gun politicians, are actually gun owning hypocrites ???

Here's my "shocked" face: [hmmm]
Not sure how I feel about Molly in the story... it kind of sounds like she has no intention of owning a gun but wants her boyfriend to get one instead to save her ass. People like her should just stick to calling 911.
Most people that are affraid just never encountered them. I’ve taken several to the range that were affraid, and a few months later they already had a small collection going.

That seems to be a common theme on both sides on a variety of topics. People being against and affraid of something even though they know very little about it. They just accept what they are told by their tribe. It is tearing this country apart.
Ventura County is supposedly one of the easiest counties in CA when it comes to licensing. They will issue to just about anyone who meets the requirements.
I support any and all Liberals that decide to purchase a weapon for self-defense.
It is one of the first and best steps to changing Hearts and Minds.

Got to disagree on that one. With the exception of very few cases, they will still continue to vote for gun control type politicians again and again..

They are hypocrites through and through and would vote to have you and I disarmed while they kept theirs......the Hollywierd types are a classic example
Ventura County is supposedly one of the easiest counties in CA when it comes to licensing. They will issue to just about anyone who meets the requirements.

Yes, the Sheriff essentially has a 'shall issue' approach.

One thing to note- in Ventura County there's a lot of property that's either not within an incorporated area or within a town lacking its own PD. Ventura County Sheriffs cover all of those areas. They were always great when I grew up out there and looks like they continue the tradition.
i always love when liberals suddenly decide they need a gun....and then find out the stupid rules and hoops of fire they have to go thru in their particular state!

It's a rude awakening when they discover that the MSM has been lying to them all these years, by telling them stuff like "guns can be bought on every street corner", "it's easier to get a gun than to buy a book" and "gun manufacturers have less government regulation than those who make Teddy Bears".
i always love when liberals suddenly decide they need a gun....and then find out the stupid rules and hoops of fire they have to go thru in their particular state!

Especially when they want one quickly. Non gun owners, even the antis seem to have little to no knowledge about the quagmire we live with on a day to day basis. I can’t tell you how many folks at the university believed you could buy a gun at Walmart.

It would be great if this ^^^^^^^^ were the case, unfortunately it is not.

When these people are victimized, it usually just reinforces their anti gun/ rights resolve. Decades of constant brainwashing is very difficult to overcome.
Especially when they want one quickly. Non gun owners, even the antis seem to have little to no knowledge about the quagmire we live with on a day to day basis. I can’t tell you how many folks at the university believed you could buy a gun at Walmart.

You can buy a pellet gun at Walmart, which to them is the same thing.
You can buy a pellet gun at Walmart, which to them is the same thing.

Because they are incapable of rational, non emotional thought. Their lives revolve so much around emotionally driven thought processes, it renders them virtually useless in the realm of rationality.
Most people that are affraid just never encountered them. I’ve taken several to the range that were affraid, and a few months later they already had a small collection going.

That seems to be a common theme on both sides on a variety of topics. People being against and affraid of something even though they know very little about it. They just accept what they are told by their tribe. It is tearing this country apart.

I've converted a few teachers over the years, myself.
Simone, 35, is a single father who previously vowed never to have a gun in the same home as his kid. But while his teenage son Ethan skateboarded outside, he asked the shop's owner what he needed to do to buy a 9-millimeter pistol.

The shop owner handed him a printed, 3 page document, detailing the process. But finished by saying " Or, you could just drive to Nevada"

That seems to be a common theme on both sides on a variety of topics. People being against and affraid of something even though they know very little about it. They just accept what they are told by their tribe.

I just can't think of any issues that I currently disagree with, that I could have my eyes opened to. Socialism, illegal immigration, homosexuality, I just don't see many conservatives taking the "try it you might change your mind" approach.
Because they are incapable of rational, non emotional thought. Their lives revolve so much around emotionally driven thought processes, it renders them virtually useless in the realm of rationality.

^^^This! 1000X^^^
Most people that are affraid just never encountered them. I’ve taken several to the range that were affraid, and a few months later they already had a small collection going.

That seems to be a common theme on both sides on a variety of topics. People being against and affraid of something even though they know very little about it. They just accept what they are told by their tribe. It is tearing this country apart.

This is why you need to take you teenage kids friends to the range. Even just one time firing guns goes a long way to dispelling all the lies
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