Article: Supreme Court denies gun rights cases

In my opinion, I think they denied this for two reasons: 1) I think SCOTUS is trying to take a step back on culture wars cases and 2) I think they want this "carry outside the homes" line of cases to bubble up through a few more circuits.
They are waiting for a more clear circuit split. Remember that most states at this point have shall issue permits. The issue needs to mature a little bit. Someone denied a permit on illegitimate grounds needs to make it to SCOTUS - California is the likely candidate imho.
As long as criminals bring guns outside their home we should have that right, it is concerning the thought that years from now if the court has a couple more liberals on it they could redefine the 2nd amendment any way they choose. Liberals was a "living" constitution and a progressive government and society, in other words this ain't your grandfathers USA.
Split Among the Circuits

They are waiting for a more clear circuit split. Remember that most states at this point have shall issue permits. The issue needs to mature a little bit. Someone denied a permit on illegitimate grounds needs to make it to SCOTUS - California is the likely candidate imho.
I agree with Smash05 here. The SCt gets several thousand certiorari petitions a year and takes only about 80, most of these being a split among the circuit courts of appeals. The fact that the Court did not take these three recent cases means little if anything.
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