Article: Let’s talk about those “greedy” gun companies

It amazes me that people that politicians care about people's safety and not power, control, and MONEY (the bottom line for them) and that working class, family-oriented people do not completely blows my mind. Anyone at the Springfield hearing saw the hoards of working class folks that showed up from S&W. They were not evil, greedy "fat cats" like the NY Slimes and Washington Compost would make you think. They are people that want to put food on the table for their families. And do they care about safety? Hells yes! THEY AND THEIR FAMILY OWN THE PRODUCTS THEIR COMPANY PRODUCES!! OF COURSE they want the products to be safe.

But you typical lib only hears stories on the news about how guns do harm and none (zero, zip, zilch, goose egg) about how an armed citizen protected him/herself or someone else from an armed thug (99% of the time) without firing a single shot.
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