Article: Hawaii Senator Pushing FBI-Accessible Gun Owner Database

On the plus side this would eliminate the need to constantly do background checks. We could go back to the lifetime permit. Yeah. I thought not.
Typical "if you haven'the done anything wrong, you don'the have anything to hide" Statism.
I went on vacation to Oahu last October. Loved it! I didn't think anyone even had guns there. What a mistake that would be if it passes... My guess is they don't have enough of a "militia" to oppose the "shall not be infringed" part of the Bill of Rights.. [crying]
so if you get arrested for a outstanding parking ticket or something stupid they will be notified. that's bullsh** none of their damn business. less they know the better. next they will want to know who ya slept with last. there is no paranoya its a need to know basis only. and they don't need to know
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