Anyone use any computer programs to keep a firearm inventory of your collection?

I have often thought about taking a digital photo of my firearms including accessories and all pertinent info like serial number, caliber, and manufacturer with estimated value, so my wife doesn't get ripped off if I should pass. But then again my last wish will be to be buried with my guns, because where I’m going I’ll need them. I think it would make a nice t-shirt saying .
I have been eying this program for a while

Judging by the sample pics i think its just about what im looking for. I just like to read other opinions before i jump into buying something.

I've used this package for several years. It is very capable; indeed, it will do far more than what I need, but I like it. Adding photos -- sort of a must for insurance purposes -- slows it down a tad, but not enough to be a problem. I recommend it.
I have a cool spreadsheet set up to keep track of all my firearms+identifying info, their round counts (manually entered), and ammo inventory (based on inputs from what I bought, sold, and shot)

I don't use it.
I use LaTeX, but that's because I got bored one day. Serial numbers, purchase price, sale price (blank, since I haven't sold any, yet), dates of purchase and sale, etc. If I ever get bored enough, again, I'm going to add in photos of each.
I use LaTeX, but that's because I got bored one day. Serial numbers, purchase price, sale price (blank, since I haven't sold any, yet), dates of purchase and sale, etc. If I ever get bored enough, again, I'm going to add in photos of each.


Wait, doesn't the government keep track of all of our guns for us? [rofl2]
Can't that same govt, that already knows what we all have in the safe, trace these programs in our PCs and get another copy.[tinfoil] Foil hat time but I like the between the ears form of inventory. Wife had a great idea [shocked] she says to me to "put them all down in an e-mail and send it to myself" [rofl] that way any-ass that finds my info really has a good idea of the location of the one rusted shut .22, and single shot .410 (that won't) even open anymore, i happen to have in the attic [laugh]
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