Anyone trying to buy a suppressor with a Trust before 7/13 ?


NES Member
Dec 12, 2010
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I decided to buy a can with my Trust and beat the 7/13 deadline before the rules change. I contacted Shooter's Outpost and they were pretty well cleaned out of 7.62 cans, and the guy said he's got a 2 week backlog of filings to do, so he didn't think I could beat the deadline even if he did have one in stock. Contacted the Silencer Shop in Tx, and bought one with a guarantee that I would get in under the wire. Says they have an exemption from the ATF to file the Form 3 and Form 4 simultaneously. Only downside is that I waited a day to order it, and the price jumped $37.
I have 3 eForm 1's and one Form 4 pending, just under the wire.

I don't know if Collectable Arms has the can you're looking for, but they file the Form 4 while you wait, and you can watch Alex put a stamp on the envelope to go out in that day's mail. Their service will always beat SO.

ETA: I noticed Riley's has cans under the counter; I don't know how long they take to get a Form 4 into the mail. For paper Forms, it's all about the postmark.
I have 3 eForm 1's and one Form 4 pending, just under the wire.

I don't know if Collectable Arms has the can you're looking for, but they file the Form 4 while you wait, and you can watch Alex put a stamp on the envelope to go out in that day's mail. Their service will always beat SO.

ETA: I noticed Riley's has cans under the counter; I don't know how long they take to get a Form 4 into the mail. For paper Forms, it's all about the postmark.
A big +1 for Collectable. I have done multiple form 4s through them. They do a great job and do not sit on your paperwork.
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