Anyone have a tried and true trick to seal up a leak in your pair of waders?


NES Member
Jan 9, 2008
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Yeah I know they don't last forever, but I bought a nice pair of Lacrosse waders a few seasons ago and I do take very good care of them. Since last season my left leg right around the shin area gets wet. Not a horrible leak that leaves my left foot swimming, but say I submerge it for an hour, the left pants leg from the shin down gets saturated.

I've seen a few products in an online search like Aquaseal or Flexseal but I don't know what's garbage and what's gold. Any recommendations?

I've used Aquaseal, on a 5 mil wetsuit. It worked fine but the Aquaseal wasn't as flexible as the material it sealed. Never failed though.
buy a new pair . 30years of duck hunting havent seen anything that works for more than one hunt . Also try calling LaCrosse or were you bought them and maybe something can be worked out .
buy a new pair . 30years of duck hunting havent seen anything that works for more than one hunt . Also try calling LaCrosse or were you bought them and maybe something can be worked out .

I believe the warranty on them was only a year. Other than the one leak, they are great. I can't see just tossing them out and shelling out another hundred and something for a new pair without trying a repair first.

I think I'll try the aquaseal. Funny too; I was wading through an abandoned cranberry bog this morning, got jabbed in the lower right leg by a submerged stick and it didn't spring a leak. Go figure.
Yeah I know they don't last forever, but I bought a nice pair of Lacrosse waders a few seasons ago and I do take very good care of them. Since last season my left leg right around the shin area gets wet. Not a horrible leak that leaves my left foot swimming, but say I submerge it for an hour, the left pants leg from the shin down gets saturated.

I've seen a few products in an online search like Aquaseal or Flexseal but I don't know what's garbage and what's gold. Any recommendations?


Aquaseal is great stuff. When I owned my diving company, I patched my dry suit with it all the time.
Aqua seal I have used in the past with great success.. This year I grabbed some stuff At dicks called flexible urethane adhesive buy pro line seems to work pretty good so far
Aqua seal works great. A melted rubber worm works in a pinch till you get home to the aqua seal. Its nice and instant no need to cure like aqua seal, its a good field fix.
I grabbed Aquaseal from Dick's on the way home last night, slathered it on before I went to bed, and this morning the leak was definitely smaller but still there. I'll probably slather on more tonight and try again tomorrow morning.
For your next pair of waders , consider LL Bean. You can't beat their warranty. I'm on my 4th pair from the original purchase (I wear out a pair aevery year, but I fish more than most) just bring them in tell them they leak and they give you a new pair. Beans customer service is great.
Aquaseal FTW

Also, when you repair the specific area, seal all seams on the inside as well. Just a thin coat over the seam tape. I usually use a Popsicle stick to apply. I also cover the tape and on either side of the tape.

My next pair I will do this before I use them. My current pair needed attention after 3 years and again last year - going on 8 years now I think.
Aquaseal FTW

Also, when you repair the specific area, seal all seams on the inside as well. Just a thin coat over the seam tape. I usually use a Popsicle stick to apply. I also cover the tape and on either side of the tape.

Oh ok I didn't even do that. I just spread some across the seam where the boot and the neoprene meet. I will turn 'em inside out and hit the interior tonight as well.

On a side note, I bagged my first duck for this season while testing the waders this morning. My first wood duck. It's marinating now.
For your next pair of waders , consider LL Bean. You can't beat their warranty. I'm on my 4th pair from the original purchase (I wear out a pair aevery year, but I fish more than most) just bring them in tell them they leak and they give you a new pair. Beans customer service is great.

This. When I bought mine I read reviews from every major brand. Sounds like all leak eventually. Might as well get something with a lifetime guarantee. Unfortunately I haven't used mine enough to need to replace them yet.
Can't hurt to try...

I let it soak in a little olive oil, garlic, worcestershire and hot sauce for a few hours, then threw it on the grille for about 3 minutes each side. That's it. Nice and red in the middle still. Served with Sauteed sweet potatoes. It was EPIC. The girlfriend actually liked it too and she's very picky about what meat she'll eat. (no jokes please [wink])
My go-to sticky glue is elmers stix-all. Just make sure it is the original, NOT the gel. Seals ANYTHING and is super strong.
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