Any one have any experience with BestShot Ammo

Also, you will be required to sign an affidavit (CLICK HERE to view) stating that no federal, state or local law prohibits you from purchasing or being shipped ammunition.

Even in Mass. that shouldn't be a problem as there is no Mass law prohibiting it.

Their prices aren't bad but the shipping would be a killer. What would FEDEX charges be for 24 lbs (500rnd .45acp)?
Please edit your post to remove the link and name if they ship ammo to Mass. The AG's goons might try and fine him.
Did anyone bother to look at the specs chart?

They had a 230 gr 45 ACP FMJ listed as going 696 fps. What are they
thinking? [rolleyes] Even the stuff that I got from M+M
with that same bullet type will do low 800s all day long. I
know people are trying to be cautious... but... geezus.

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