Another college shooting......

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How many tragedies are going to occur until schools realize one armed teacher/student can stop a psychopath intent on mass murder. Sad...

Anyone find more details? This happening now? or earlier today?
And did the administration notify the student body - or just their OWN families, as at Virginia Tech?
This can't happen. Nobody is permitted to carry a firearm on campus:

"No firearms, ammunition, or dangerous weapons are allowed in buildings or other
facilities of the University of Alabama at Birmingham at any time. A gun permit does not
authorize a staff member, faculty member, student, patient, or visitor to bring firearms into UAB
buildings or into other UAB facilities under any circumstances."

So how, pray tell, could this possibly happen?
Someone on Fark said that he heard on local radio that it was a female instructor that was denied tenure.

Now they are saying it happened during or at the end of a staff meeting.
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Well, if there is a movement to allow law abiding citizens CCW on campus. I don't think it will go anywhere. Much like the debate on pilots carrying guns, other opinions will weigh in and it will never go anywhere. My friend works as an instructor for a college in a high-crime area and managed to get written permission to carry. That will probably be the only way someone can have a gun legally. I'm not saying it's right, just being realistic.
I was surprised by the coverage when the following quote appeared in the article:

"Gina Hammond, a UAH student, told WAFF that she lobbied the University of Alabama trustees to allow students with gun permits to carry their weapons on campus. She was turned down.

“I’m scared to go back to school,” Hammond said. “However, if they were to allow me to carry my pistol on campus, I would not be as scared.

“... I’m sorry that nobody in that room had a pistol to save at least one person’s life,” Hammond said. "

Imagine that. Gutsy kid, and the fact that it made the national coverage surprised me.
I was surprised by the coverage when the following quote appeared in the article:

"Gina Hammond, a UAH student, told WAFF that she lobbied the University of Alabama trustees to allow students with gun permits to carry their weapons on campus. She was turned down.

“I’m scared to go back to school,” Hammond said. “However, if they were to allow me to carry my pistol on campus, I would not be as scared.

“... I’m sorry that nobody in that room had a pistol to save at least one person’s life,” Hammond said. "

Imagine that. Gutsy kid, and the fact that it made the national coverage surprised me.

I thought the same thing..+1 to Gina
Yes....we all have to love this quote

“... I’m sorry that nobody in that room had a pistol to save at least one person’s life,” Hammond said.

He could have saved the taxpayers a lot of money
Well, if there is a movement to allow law abiding citizens CCW on campus. I don't think it will go anywhere. Much like the debate on pilots carrying guns, other opinions will weigh in and it will never go anywhere. My friend works as an instructor for a college in a high-crime area and managed to get written permission to carry. That will probably be the only way someone can have a gun legally. I'm not saying it's right, just being realistic.

Unfortunately this is probably the only way to go about getting even very limited carry on campuses at least in the future as I see it. At my school pepper spray is even considered a dangerous weapon not to be carried on campus. Students face expulsion as per the dangerous weapons policy. In fact, my girlfriend even met a girl who goes to our school BECAUSE she was expelled from her last school for carrying pepper spray. She is working to change this policy as there is a decent problem with rape in the community of 30,000 people that go there, including in the bathroom of the library floor she used to study on, a couple hours after she left. They really don't even care if anyone has a chance, they can just "call the police." This reminds me, a month or so ago a drug dealer was arrested with a loaded revolver on campus. Amazing how that can happen huh.

After I get my LTC I plan on trying to restart the Concealed Carry on Campus group. I am relatively confident it won't get far, but talking to the previous front-man of the group and hearing how he was bullied into shutting it down by administration made me pretty upset.

Heck, I'm looking into a sysadmin position at MIT that pays fairly well. However, even if I get the job, I think I might turn it down specifically *because* there's no way in heck they'd ever let me carry there.
Heck, I'm looking into a sysadmin position at MIT that pays fairly well. However, even if I get the job, I think I might turn it down specifically *because* there's no way in heck they'd ever let me carry there.

Well, I think that is a reasonable thing to consider. My buddy teaches at Bunker Hill and refused to work there unless he got written permission to carry. Low and behold.....someone tried to slash him with a knife and he had to defend himself.
I was surprised by the coverage when the following quote appeared in the article:

"Gina Hammond, a UAH student, told WAFF that she lobbied the University of Alabama trustees to allow students with gun permits to carry their weapons on campus. She was turned down.

“I’m scared to go back to school,” Hammond said. “However, if they were to allow me to carry my pistol on campus, I would not be as scared.

“... I’m sorry that nobody in that room had a pistol to save at least one person’s life,” Hammond said. "

Imagine that. Gutsy kid, and the fact that it made the national coverage surprised me.

Yup...I've tried the exact same thing. Ain't gonna happen. There's actually a huge number of CHL holders at my school; I can't tell you how many people I've met either have their CHL or plan to have it when they turn 21. Its a completely different culture. But still, no CCW on campus...
Not the time she shot someone. She "accidently killed her brother":

The University of Alabama biology professor accused of slaying three of her colleagues fatally shot her brother in an apparent accident in Massachusetts more than two decades ago, a local police chief said.

Braintree Police Chief Paul Frazier confirmed the 1986 shooting in his town and slated a news conference this afternoon to discuss the incident.

The Globe reported at the time that Amy Bishop had shot her 18-year-old brother, Seth M. Bishop, an accomplished violinist who had won a number of science awards.

John Polio, chief of police at the time, said Amy Bishop, who was 20 at the time, had asked her mother, Judith, in the presence of her brother how to unload a round from the chamber of a 12-gauge shotgun.

Polio told the Globe that while Amy Bishop was handling the weapon, it fired, wounding Seth Bishop in the abdomen. He was pronounced dead at a hospital 46 minutes after the Dec. 6, 1986 shooting.

"Every indication at this point in time leads us to believe it was an accidental shooting," Polio said at the time.

In Friday's shooting, Amy Bishop, 42, a Harvard-educated neurobiologist, allegedly shot and killed three of her colleagues and wounded three others in an apparent tenure dispute at the Huntsville campus, the Associated Press reports.
I wonder if they might have denied her tenure because the others intuited that she was nuts?

I also wonder why these things seem to come in waves and seemingly at the most inopportune times.

New Boston NH. Miford. Manchester. Now Huntsville but with a Mass local. All at a time when we're trying to a revamping of MA gun law. I don't know if it really is in waves or if I'm more attuned to the news at times.
I hope they go back and take a real hard look at her 'accidental' shooting of her brother with a shotgun back in 1986.
I hope they go back and take a real hard look at her 'accidental' shooting of her brother with a shotgun back in 1986.

Yeah, I am betting this one is a sociopath and she was using the clearing of the gun as an excuse.
or maybe that's the incident that turned her into a sociopath?

I believe the prevailing wisdom is sociopathy develops really early on. But I have a TV stand to deal with and someone will undoubtedly be along to confirm or refute. [grin]
We can't even get all the college police officers armed in this state to say nothing about alowing licensed gun owners to carry on campus.

When are people going to wake up......
I am sitting with my jaw on the table after read this Globe story this morning. This fark'n arsehole, former PC of Brainlesstree is backpedaling on his first interview.

How the hell can people like this sleep at night!? The state police report was critical of the local cops "investigation" but the Dela*unt let it slide and the police files seem to be missing.

Why can no one be held accountable for crap like this? I am so angry that this crap goes on.

Just watch the circus as everyone involved runs around with their hands covering their collective butts! Makes me sick.

All this is a town that as far as I know, from people I know that have lived there, could not get a un-restricted LTC unless they KNEW someone.

How much you want to bet, and deservedly so, they toss the old fart under the bus and everyone else goes merrily along?

People are dead for Christ sakes, she pointed a gun at a car salesman, demanding a car, sent pipe bombs! How much else is going to come out in the next week!!??


I gotta go take a Rolaid.........................
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