
Nov 8, 2005
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Anybody else think there is a huge amount of stickies here?

I know I am new here, but this is the first forum I've ever seen where the entire first screen is stickified.

I'd at least like to scan for the latest new threads on a forum.

Just a suggestion/idea/comment.

That is because we are in the "stickiest" part of the country for gun laws! [lol]

I did drop the sticky on one post as no longer as important as it was originally.

6 states = 6 initial stickies, then we stickied important topics as they come up.

Read all the relevant sticky posts here and you'll get the drift of why we thought them important.
I think that would defeat the reason for having them in the first place. They are made into stickies, because they are important topics that should be held in the top of the forum for easy access.

They'd still be there, just not clogging up the screen. Just look under the one post for all six NE states.

Pretty simple, really.
Coyote33 said:
They'd still be there, just not clogging up the screen.

Maybe it's just my settings, but when I open any of the forums, I see the first 18 posts without scrolling down.

What you see on a single screen depends a lot on how large your browser window is, the size of your monitor and the font size you have chosen. Thus, YMMV.

The way this forum software works, a Mod can "split" a thread, which creates a second thread from some posts, but we can't "merge" two threads into one . . . it just doesn't allow us to do that. So the suggestion made isn't technically possible.

Derek created those initial 6 threads when he opened these forums and folks have posted under some of them. Merging them together (even if possible) would mix up 6 states laws into one long thread, making it very difficult for anyone to make heads or tails of what applies where. This would make that one thread damn near useless and defeat the entire purpose (regardless of sticky, announcement or normal status).

Remember as new folks (like the OP) join us, the stickies are there so that you might find the answers to important questions quickly without posting the same question that has been answered 3 times before.

Perfect? No, but I do think that it is the best we can do short of creating some long FAQs (which experience tells us, most folks never look at).

Hope that explains the situation.
I like it the way it is too!

And video cards and monitors are CHEAP! (espeshally if you just need one to beef up your resolution on 2D)

And if you can't install a new video card, you probably have difficulty feild-stripping a 1911 8)


-Weer'd Beard
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