amending a form 1?

Jan 13, 2009
free hampshire
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well, i did it. i'm escaping MA, and i know that i am not going to get my form 1 back within a week from today.

so... what do? can i amend the current form that i have submitted to reflect the new city/state? i hope it doesn't start the counter all over again...
How long before you move. Do you still own the place you lived? If so visit there now and again and keep ur state license until you take possession of the item. If it is going to be more then a month or two Call the ATF and get you're inspector ( have a new local SOT near you set up to take the transfer ) and they can simply change the address. They do not always do so. I have had it done for me.
How long before you move. Do you still own the place you lived? If so visit there now and again and keep ur state license until you take possession of the item. If it is going to be more then a month or two Call the ATF and get you're inspector ( have a new local SOT near you set up to take the transfer ) and they can simply change the address. They do not always do so. I have had it done for me.

This is wrong. ATF uses examiners, not inspectors for starters. depending on the state, a different examiner will be used.

Additionally, this is a FORM 1. You cannot have a local SOT near you set up to take the transfer due to the fact that it is a Form 1.

All your information is not correct or germane to the correct filing and approval of ATF Form 1.
firearm is not serviceable, sent in 5320 stating such--it's a stripped lower.

no response on the 5320 yet. no stamp, either.

five calls and three voicemails went unreturned at NFA branch btw. ended up consulting with a FFL/SOT about what they did with their NFA items and i submitted a 5320 for the receiver for shits and giggles.
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