Am I paranoid/overthinking this?


NES Member
Oct 2, 2011
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Maybe I've spent too much time on NES and need to loosen the tinfoil?? [laugh] but I saw this posting on the USPSA Area 7 Facebook group:

He commented further saying that he shoots at Sig Sauer, Harvard, Holden rod and gun club (never heard of that club), Old Colony, and Urban Action Shooters in Medford (mystic valley gun club is in Malden not Medford)...

I'm not going to mention his name but I cannot find his name on any match results at any of the clubs he listed and I shoot at all of them - well Sig and Malden not recently but the others I do shoot at.
I looked on his profile photo and he's got the big banner "I got covid-19 Booster" and another photo is Black Lives Matters....

Just kinda scratching my head 🤔

Maura's minion?...
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False name? either on the facebook, or used at matches

There is this one guy in the area who does basic firearms instruction / LTC class stuff, but also tries to sell himself as a higher tier instructor... He will occasionally do a USPSA or IDPA match using a false name, because if anyone could research his match scores he would never sell his classes
Maybe I've spent too much time on NES and need to loosen the tinfoil?? [laugh] but I saw this posting on the USPSA Area 7 Facebook group:
View attachment 715656

He commented further saying that he shoots at Sig Sauer, Harvard, Holden rod and gun club (never heard of that club), Old Colony, and Urban Action Shooters in Medford (mystic valley gun club is in Malden not Medford)...

I'm not going to mention his name but I cannot find his name on any match results at any of the clubs he listed and I shoot at all of them - well Sig and Malden not recently but the others I do shoot at.
I looked on his profile photo and he's got the big banner "I got covid-19 Booster" and another photo is Black Lives Matters....

Just kinda scratching my head 🤔

Maura's minion?...
You lost me at facebook.
False name? either on the facebook, or used at matches

There is this one guy in the area who does basic firearms instruction / LTC class stuff, but also tries to sell himself as a higher tier instructor... He will occasionally do a USPSA or IDPA match using a false name, because if anyone could research his match scores he would never sell his classes
Very good point. He could be using a false name online or for matches.

Lmao I feel like I might know who you’re referring to but can’t confirm
I looked on his profile photo and he's got the big banner "I got covid-19 Booster" and another photo is Black Lives Matters....
This is an automatic DQ in my book, I won't give anyone the time of day that has that commie shit on their profile.
This is an automatic DQ in my book, I won't give anyone the time of day that has that commie shit on their profile.
I agree. I commented on his post then clicked on his profile pics afterwards and I’m like wtf!?

He definitely goes by his real name on Facebook as I found his LinkedIn page. What he goes by for matches is another story. Personally I think he’s full of shit and hasn’t shot any matches but I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️
Back in March 2018 there was a girl who shot an IDPA match at Harvard (which was on the same day as that “March for our lives” protest).

I hadn’t seen her before so I looked her up on Facebook and found all kinds of photos of her with Liz Warren and she was in a group called Young Democrats of Massachusetts 🙄

Never saw her again
How f*cked are we when atf agents join a forum to gather info on its members….. does this actually happen? I have been a Harley enthusiast my whole life and have been a member of a shovelhead forum for a long time. I had joined to learn technical stuff and meet people with my same interests. I had always been told not to say this or that because the feds monitored the forum with fake members gathering info on members who were affiliated with certain biker clubs.
Maybe I've spent too much time on NES and need to loosen the tinfoil?? [laugh] but I saw this posting on the USPSA Area 7 Facebook group:
View attachment 715656

He commented further saying that he shoots at Sig Sauer, Harvard, Holden rod and gun club (never heard of that club), Old Colony, and Urban Action Shooters in Medford (mystic valley gun club is in Malden not Medford)...

I'm not going to mention his name but I cannot find his name on any match results at any of the clubs he listed and I shoot at all of them - well Sig and Malden not recently but the others I do shoot at.
I looked on his profile photo and he's got the big banner "I got covid-19 Booster" and another photo is Black Lives Matters....

Just kinda scratching my head 🤔

Maura's minion?...
Lol wrt Medford and Malden those two towns sort of blend together in the same cloud of urban
fartgas so i can understand the confusion.
How f*cked are we when atf agents join a forum to gather info on its members….. does this actually happen? I have been a Harley enthusiast my whole life and have been a member of a shovelhead forum for a long time. I had joined to learn technical stuff and meet people with my same interests. I had always been told not to say this or that because the feds monitored the forum with fake members gathering info on members who were affiliated with certain biker clubs.

It's intel gathering. It's gone on for way before the internet became popular. It's a lot easier for law enforcement to monitor facebook pages than it is to infiltrate a tight group, and people are stupid - they post about doing clearly illegal things - as though all these "friends" on the internet are actually known to them.
Invite him to a match and see how he does. Mix in one dog target and see if he gets his best groups on that one.

Seriously though, getting a booster doesn’t make you a commie, but virtue signaling about it raises flags. Maybe he just doesn’t get out much or is married to a lefty. Give him a chance and if he smells fishy, ghost him.
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