"All vets are mentally ill and government should prevent them from owning firearms"

This quote from the OP is pretty much covered here - Feinstein didn't actually say the specific quote, but it doesn't take much looking to find a genuine quote that makes her look just as bad. What do you expect from someone who carries a concealed weapon when her life is in danger, but doesn't think us lower peons should be allowed to do the same?

BTW, for anyone who doubts the accuracy of Snopes because they got an email forwarded to them that said - without references or proof of any kind - everything Snopes writes is a liberal lie, please remember this: Every Snopes article has it's references listed at the bottom. You can (and I have) check these references to be sure what they are writing is accurate. They (the Mikkelsons who run Snopes) always state their sources. Doesn't mean they can't be wrong occasionally, but at least you can see that they are making an effort.

FYI, according to this other fact checking site, David Mikkelson is registered as a republican while Barabara Mikkelson is a Canadian and cannot even vote in US elections. Doesn't mean much except to discredit any notion that he is a flaming liberal.
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Term limits will be the only way to save our government.

Screw term limits. Let's stick to something totally constitutional and just drop the pay to something closely resembing a middle class part time job, as Congress should be, and people won't stick around as long.
This +1

Its really hard not to will ill upon this woman in light of her unbridled dingbattery and endless attacks on our liberty and freedom.
And she missed a good chance to screw up the Night Stalker investigation, back when she was mayor of S.F., because of her verbal diarrhea and mental constipation. Early Proof Diane Feinstein Cannot Be Trusted
Whaddamaroon. [rolleyes]
Praise to the sincerity, dedication to the constitution and the American people, and the the fearless way some senators take a stand against the evil from within, e.g. Diane Feinstein.
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