Actor Gets Mugged...

Sep 30, 2009
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Actor Gets Mugged, Decides To Improvise
26-Year-Old Improv Comedian Takes On Robber In Cambridge
By Jim Haddadin
Staff Writer

POSTED: 11:52 am EST November 15, 2009
UPDATED: 2:57 pm EST November 15, 2009
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Comments (11)BOSTON -- Daniel Faneuf had two shows behind him, two drinks in him and at least two inches on the man who police say tried to mug him on Friday morning, so he decided to improvise.

The 26-year-old actor, who had spent the evening performing onstage at the Improv Asylum in Boston, said he was a few blocks from his home in Cambridge when a man grabbed his arm and allegedly tried to rob him with a pellet gun at about 1:15 a.m.

“He said, ‘I hate to have to do this to you,’ and then he took out a gun and pointed it at my throat,” said Faneuf.

Improv Asylum

Although he didn’t realize the gun was a look-alike at the time, Faneuf, who stands 6 feet, 4 inches tall, said something else about the man telegraphed that he didn’t have the mettle to pull the trigger.

“He didn’t come across like he was going to take me down, so I just pushed, almost slowly, his hand back toward his chest and grabbed his jacket with my hand,” he said.

Faneuf managed to wrap the pellet gun inside the man’s jacket, pin it against his chest and then strike him in the face, he said. The man fell to the ground near the corner of Norfolk and Washington streets, and Faneuf grabbed the gun and pistol-whipped him in the back of the head, he said.

“The role reversal was amazing,” said Faneuf. “Don’t get me wrong, I was obviously scared, but I was just more pissed off that he had the gall to do that.”

Faneuf said the assailant, identified as a 20-year-old man by Cambridge police, told him that he was trying to make money for his family and began pleading for Faneuf to release him. He managed to pin the robber by the neck with one foot and call police while the two tussled on the ground, he said.

Within two minutes, Cambridge police arrived at the scene and separated the two, and Faneuf explained the situation while the officers held him in handcuffs.

Faneuf, who was carrying his iPhone, his keys, and about $100 at the time, said he wasn’t sure what compelled him to fight back against the robber, but as an improvisational comedian, he’s trained to riff off of his partners on stage.

“We all imagine that we’d do the smart thing,” said Faneuf. “Maybe in that situation the smart thing is to give him your money."
“He didn’t come across like he was going to take me down, so I just pushed, almost slowly, his hand back toward his chest and grabbed his jacket with my hand,” he said. And then I realized it wasn't a toy when he shot me.

Within two minutes, Cambridge police arrived at the scene and separated the two, and Faneuf explained the situation while the officers held him in handcuffs.

Two minutes would have been more than enough time for Faneuf to bleed out and the shooter to run away. Notice that the Cambridge PD took no chances and handcuffed the victim. Maybe Obama will invite Faneuf and the cop to the White House for beers.

Did the cops at least arrest the other guy for attempted armed robbery? Or did the blow it off as just a scuffle.
Have to admit it's pretty ballsy if he didn't know it was a pellet gun. The BG clearly got the jump on him.

Oh. Yeah I was being sarcastic. Wasn't clear.

The dude had balls to do what he did.

On a side note, what is to say that the robber didn't have a real gun and would have killed him even if he had given him his money? It's not all that smart to rely on the rational thinking and compassionate nature of the guy holding a gun to your throat.

If your life is in imminent danger you do what you have to...or become a victim
I'm outraged.

At what? Not sure yet. But I'm sure I can find a way to label this guy in a bad light somehow.

BTW, I've seen this guy in person at the Improv Asylum. Rather funny creative SOB.
Hopefully I'm wrong but I've got a weird feeling about this. He was too anxious to get in front of the TV cameras last night.
Oh. Yeah I was being sarcastic. Wasn't clear.

The dude had balls to do what he did.

On a side note, what is to say that the robber didn't have a real gun and would have killed him even if he had given him his money? It's not all that smart to rely on the rational thinking and compassionate nature of the guy holding a gun to your throat.

If your life is in imminent danger you do what you have to...or become a victim

+1 The actor did what he felt was going to keep him alive. I'm glad he did what he did, and it was ballsy.
As an actor, I can't understand why publicity would help his career.


Agreed, but he didn't seem flustered at all. Furthermore, if I had just had a confrontation with a criminal the last thing I would want is to show him who I am, where I work and how to find me. After the dust settles, the BG might just be looking to settle the score. Particularly if the victim is on the TV boasting.
In short if I were him I would keep my mouth shut and let my career florish on it's own merits.
Faneuf managed to wrap the pellet gun inside the man’s jacket, pin it against his chest and then strike him in the face, he said. The man fell to the ground near the corner of Norfolk and Washington streets, and Faneuf grabbed the gun and pistol-whipped him in the back of the head, he said.

“The role reversal was amazing,” said Faneuf. “Don’t get me wrong, I was obviously scared, but I was just more pissed off that he had the gall to do that.”

Faneuf said the assailant, identified as a 20-year-old man by Cambridge police, told him that he was trying to make money for his family and began pleading for Faneuf to release him. He managed to pin the robber by the neck with one foot and call police while the two tussled on the ground, he said.

[rofl] Just imagining the look on the muggers face is funny! This guy has some real survival instinct, regardless of his statement.
Dammit!! I read the title of this thread and thought that some hardcore liberal d-bag Hollywood type (like Sean Penn) got the everlasting snot beat out of them!
Got my hopes up for nothing!! [crying]
"Faneuf managed to wrap the pellet gun inside the man’s jacket, pin it against his chest and then strike him in the face, he said. The man fell to the ground near the corner of Norfolk and Washington streets, and Faneuf grabbed the gun and pistol-whipped him in the back of the head, he said."

If the dirt bag is gonna try to rob a comedian maybe he should have targeted Josh Blue.
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