A little S&W 910...

Jun 2, 2005
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I haven't been on the forum for a while, busy summer (got married and work is just crazy). Thought I'd get back into the swing of things with a few pictures I took tonight of my S&W 910 with my wedding present from my new wife, my Swiss Army Titanium Alliance (I don't think it weighs anything at all).


BTW, any other 910 owners out there? This one has been dead nuts reliable thru 2000+ rounds. Not a single FTF or FTE, however due to me there's been a few FTHB (failure to hit bullseye).



Mod Hat On!

Please resize these pics so that they fit on an average screen.

In WinXP, you can do this by simply right-mouse clicking on the picture file and choose resize. Resize to 640x480 and post those here instead.

Thank you.
The Management

P.S. Congrats on getting married . . . it's a fine institution! Take it from someone who will have been institutionalized for 36 years as of next Wednesday! [wink]
Congrats on getting married! Also, nice piece and nice new watch!

BTW, nice photography...But as Len pointed out, it takes up A LOT of space, so if you could downsize them a bit so they fit on the page, that would be great.
Sorry about that. Nice feature in Photobucket is that you can click edit and resize in about 3 seconds, and I don't have to repost them.

Couldn't be happier about getting married. She's warming up to the guns a bit, last week she said "why do you get yourself another gun?"

Maybe in a few weeks I'll be seeing if anyone around here is looking to give an S&W 1911 a new home...
I have a 915 (same as yours but pre-1994).

I got it for free when my neighbor back in Kansas learned I was a shooter. One day were were visiting them and she comes back from the bedroom with a shoe box. She said it belonged to her deceased husband and that I could have it.

I pulled it out of its soft case and noticed a mag still in it. I dropped it and pulled the slide back and a cartridge came flying out.

It's a nice, reliable gun, but Glocks fit my hand much better. I'm not much of a pistol shooter, so I haven't bothered with a replacement. Right now it sits in a convenient hidden spot ready for when things go bump in the night.
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