65 Dem Reps send letter to Eric Holder


NES Member
Dec 9, 2008
Somewhere in the woods, NH
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Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Today in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, 65 Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives, led by Congressman Mike Ross (D-AR), expressed their opposition to the reinstatement of the failed 1994 ban on semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines. These congressmen cited numerous studies that proved the 1994 ban was ineffective, and they strongly urged Attorney General Holder to stop his effort and instead focus on the enforcement of existing gun laws.

NRA would like to thank Congressman Ross for his leadership on this effort. We will continue to work with Members of Congress from both parties on this important issue.

View the letter here.

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How did this letter circulate? I want to write to my US Rep and ask why he did not sign this. Was it offered to the entire house?
Paul Hodes is running for the NH Senate seat in 2010 (Judd Gregg's seat). He's looking to curry favor with the electorate in advance. I think he's convinced reinstatement of the AWB is a non-starter, so this letter represents no threat to him. He has no prior record of supporting the 2A.
While I'd love to get excited and yell from the rooftops that all is right with the world, I tend to be somewhat of a realist. Let us not forget that there are 435 some-odd seats in the house of reps, and 65 makes up roughly 15% of that number. So for you folks playing at home it is nice that they went on record saying where they stand, but collectively they wouldn't have to the power to stop anything from passing. This is not to say I see an AWB in the immediate future, but I also don't see it as impossible.
Let's keep on fighting the good fight.
While I'd love to get excited and yell from the rooftops that all is right with the world, I tend to be somewhat of a realist. Let us not forget that there are 435 some-odd seats in the house of reps, and 65 makes up roughly 15% of that number. So for you folks playing at home it is nice that they went on record saying where they stand, but collectively they wouldn't have to the power to stop anything from passing. This is not to say I see an AWB in the immediate future, but I also don't see it as impossible.
Let's keep on fighting the good fight.

The percentage represented by 65 Democratic Signatories is not the issue. The current split in the House is Visitors 257-178 Home. Move those 65 over to the "don't support AWB" side, and you get a 192-243 split in our favor.

What this really means, to Holder, The Messiah 2.0, and Pelosi, is that a new AWB would be nearly impossible to move through the House.
The percentage represented by 65 Democratic Signatories is not the issue. The current split in the House is Visitors 257-178 Home. Move those 65 over to the "don't support AWB" side, and you get a 192-243 split in our favor.

What this really means, to Holder, The Messiah 2.0, and Pelosi, is that a new AWB would be nearly impossible to move through the House.

I think that Pelosi can count and she remembers 1994. Which is why she said that a new AWB is a non starter in this Congress. Which doesn't mean that she won't support Obama's efforts if she can make him into the bad guy and not get beaten like a rented mule in the 2010 mid terms.
The percentage represented by 65 Democratic Signatories is not the issue. The current split in the House is Visitors 257-178 Home. Move those 65 over to the "don't support AWB" side, and you get a 192-243 split in our favor.

What this really means, to Holder, The Messiah 2.0, and Pelosi, is that a new AWB would be nearly impossible to move through the House.

I think (and it is just my opinion) that the vote would be much closer in reality. Your figures are counting on all others to be on our side, and on all 65 to be true to the letter that they signed. I'm not saying it is not good news that they were willing to do this, I'm just saying stay vigilant. Just my .02
We also have to think of some of the evils that may come from "enforcing the existing laws". They could always try (and I mean try) pull the whole let me see your firearms to make sure they are legal I.E. NFA legal! And also continue with the ammo madness.

I feel that they realized they can not out right ban our firearms, but remember these people are lower then snakes, they will think of another way!

Sent my "Wasup, Bitch?" mail to Carol Shea-Porter in NH. Oddly, Paul Hodes site will not accept an email from me, as a non-constituent. I give $$ to pro-2ndA Senators/Representatives from other states, but can't contact one from NH!
we should all send our state reps letters stating that we dont support any new AWB legislation. burry them in paper.
This just reinforces what I have said before. It is political suicide to try and start this since many of the gains the Dem's enjoyed were from very Pro-Gun areas. So its just handing the House and Senate back to the Repubs if they do this. Pelosi and Reid know this, I don't think Obama and Holder do.
This just reinforces what I have said before. It is political suicide to try and start this since many of the gains the Dem's enjoyed were from very Pro-Gun areas. So its just handing the House and Senate back to the Repubs if they do this. Pelosi and Reid know this, I don't think Obama and Holder do.

I do, but I'm not sure that they care. Obama is in for four years and he figures he can finesse the whole thing in 2012 as Clinton did. The House is the key to this since everyone is up for re election every two years. If the House flips in 2010, the Democrats are in big trouble since the House has to initiate all revenue related bills.

This is going to be a case of the House against Obama, with Reid playing duck, dodge, and hide.
I do, but I'm not sure that they care. Obama is in for four years and he figures he can finesse the whole thing in 2012 as Clinton did. The House is the key to this since everyone is up for re election every two years. If the House flips in 2010, the Democrats are in big trouble since the House has to initiate all revenue related bills.

This is going to be a case of the House against Obama, with Reid playing duck, dodge, and hide.

The thing then is that he really risks his re-election. He didn't win by the landslide the media claims he did. He had no 'mandate' from the people. And again, a lot of the votes picked up by the Dems were in Pro-Gun areas, and rule no. 1 of a Politician is to get re-elected.

It is no guarantee since we all need to keep vigilant and organize when there is a whiff of them trying to pass it.
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Though encouraged by the signing and sending of the letter, and the results, it really was a no-brainer. Pushing the AWB is too blatant and would produce an outraged response. I've said this before, they will quietly and at the last minute, push through small amendments to legislation - trying to fly under the radar. They know the political climate won't support a frontal assault. Their aim will be to slowly, in small increments, erode the rights of the law-abiding in their effort to claim power.
Sent my "Wasup, Bitch?" mail to Carol Shea-Porter in NH. Oddly, Paul Hodes site will not accept an email from me, as a non-constituent. I give $$ to pro-2ndA Senators/Representatives from other states, but can't contact one from NH!

Got a reply today (below). She was smart enough to quote the Obama admin line without mentioning the proposed AWB renewal...


April 21, 2009

Dear Mr. XXXXXX:

Thank you for contacting my office and sharing your thoughts with me regarding gun control.

I support the Second Amendment and agree with the Supreme Court's decision in Heller v. District of Columbia that the right to bear arms is an individual, rather than a collective, right. As with every other right established in the Constitution, however, the right to bear arms is not unlimited. Restrictions on the ownership of firearms by felons and mentally incapacitated individuals, as well as restrictions on the possession of fully automatic weapons and sawed off shotguns, still stand and are appropriate. I will keep these principles, and your thoughts, in mind should Congress consider legislation that affects individual rights under the Second Amendment.

To learn more about current legislation or about my voting record, I invite you to visit the Library of Congress legislative information website (www.thomas.gov). There, you can find the full text of a bill or a summary, who introduced it and when, who is cosponsoring it, and where it is in the legislative process. I also invite you to visit my website (http://shea-porter.house.gov) for more information about bills that I have introduced or cosponsored, and for issue updates, position statements, or to sign up for my email newsletter.

Thank you again for contacting my office. It is a privilege to serve you in Washington.


Carol Shea-Porter

Member of Congress
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