6/12/13 - Newtown families return to Hill as administration restarts gun control push

What brass ****ing balls to push this again in light of recent further revelations of out of control government
I got an email from the White House last night about the push for more gun legislation. Seems they just got around to responding to the email I sent shortly after Sandy Hook.

I wish these people would just carpool to DC and while en route, the bus blows up.
Tired of these asshats trying to deny mine and your rights.
Maybe they should just carpool in a California limo. Lately, those things have had a nasty tendency to spontaneously combust! (LOL!)
6/12/13 - Newtown families return to Hill as administration restarts gun cont...

I got an email from the White House last night about the push for more gun legislation. Seems they just got around to responding to the email I sent shortly after Sandy Hook.


Yeah, I got the same one......suspicious timing?

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just exhume the kids' bodies, string them up, and play with the marionettes again you sick ****s.

i can not believe they are at this shit again. infuriating and disgusting all in one little ball of dung that the beetles of this administration roll around and smash their faces into.

yet somehow we're the evil ones. it breaks my heart that so many people lost their family members, mostly children at that. it was a horrible thing to have happen, but there's a point in time where you need to let the victims rest in peace. using their death for political gain is disgusting and it makes me absolutely sick.
It's not going anywhere. It is to distract from a VERY unpopular immigration bill push and the scandals. They need a distraction.
Well, a few years ago, they openly said gun control on a national level won't pass, as they simply don't have the power. They simply lack the votes, and they know it. They say the opposite, because they don't want us to know it. Yeah, they really do think we're that stupid, even though they know some of us aren't. They vilify those of us that aren't, hoping to claim we're kooks. All that said, it hasn't been working well, and they know that too.

Now, one of more of several scenarios could happen.

They do nothing.

They put forth national level attempts, knowing they would fail. Upside is, they put some Congress folks on the spot, and on record. Some places, they fail to get reelected. This also diverts attention, and action, from state level attempts.

They push on the state level again, hoping for a few successes like last time. Think of NY and CO tactics or worse.

Another "incident" will happen. By now, it ought to be pretty obvious that the folks behind these "incidents" is none other than the government.

I really do think something will happen, as it serves 2 major purposes. Diverts attention from the scandals, and renews the drive to kill the union. Clinton got pretty good at it. Lewinski scandal? Just bomb an aspirin factory to divert attention. THings getting real bad? THen do something less damaging to divert attention.

Things have got to be so bad now, that I wouldn't be surprised if they went close to full retard on somebody (or something) in or out of the US. I wouldn't be shocked by a drone strike on someone in the US, normally a legal person. There's not much these thugs could do to surprise me. They're crooks and evil, through and through.

And openly admit they're crooked, treasonous and ought to be impeached, tried and executed?

Like that will ever happen.

They think they are better than us. THey are nothing but crooked thugs and megalomaniacs, and they know it.

And openly admit they're crooked, treasonous and ought to be impeached, tried and executed?

Like that will ever happen.

They think they are better than us. THey are nothing but crooked thugs and megalomaniacs, and they know it.
Dude, do I have to cast the sarcasm umbrella over my post, c'mon now!
These are probably the same pushing to tear down the school and rebuild it on our dime. They need to go home and heal their families and leave us the hell alone.
I had a family member who was shot dead in holyoke ma (not surprising) and every member of my family is pro gun. No member of my family blamed the gun, we blame the gang banger who shot my cousin. We never once even considered blaming the gun.

Its funny, the libtards are trying to pass gun control under the guise of trying to keep kids safe, yet drunk drivers kill more kids daily than guns, but no one has an issue with Anheuser Busch.
They are way overplaying the "grieving family" card at this point. What is it thats going to be said at this point that hasn't been said ad nausium?
You think someone's going to suddenly change thier mind after the second or third visit from them?
Now it looks exactly like what it is, desperation.
That and shameless puppetering . Very classless.
i'm surprised the haven't released the crime scene photos to get some sympathy they shown they will stop at nothing to push gun control down are throats
Any distraction from his incompetence and the news of corruption in DC will do. Chicago politics!
Any distraction from his incompetence and the news of corruption in DC will do. Chicago politics!

This. Exactly. Distract, Deny, Divert, Ignore, Repeat. Wash, Rinse, Repeat.

Let them try and pass gun control on a national level again. Nove. 2014 is right around the corner.
Distract is exactly right. How about arming the Syrian rebels? Which I may point out is allied if not run by Al Qaeda. At least it will give CNN MSNBC something to run with. The morning after pill law was only going to work for a few days. Nothing like leading from behind.
These tear jerkers are kinda being a pain in the arse now. What happened was tragic and unfortunate and I sympathies with those affected. I have lost more than a few good people in my life from drunk driving, war, stupidity, disease, and just plain bad luck. They need to come to terms that shit happens. Maybe these guys had such good life's that they never had to experience anything bad till now, but at some point you need to grow a pair and let that small part of you just die so you can make it through to the next day and eventually you will find peace.

Maybe I am cold, but I don't think one tragedy deserves more attention than another.
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