58 House Republicans sponsor bill to repeal federal firearm, ammo excise tax, NFA transfer tax

Nothing. No change. Nada. Zip. Noodle.

Expecting Term Limits to stop Congressional corruption is like expecting a gun registry to stop murders. It will help for a short period of time. Then the "machine" will figure out a way around it all.

I look at my industry - financial services. 30 years ago, you would have full-page ads in the industry press. "Annuity - Guaranteed 12% commission!" I'm sorry, what??? How about how it can help the client. F the client.

You'd have mutual fund companies paying you 6% commission. If you sold $100,000 of their fund, you'd get a lobster dinner FedEx'd to you. $200K, you'd get a weekend down the Cape. $500K - they'd send you to Bermuda for 4 days. On top of the 6%.

Do I think that financial wizards were any MORE corrupt in 1992 than 2022?? Nope. Same thing.

Now look at polimatishans. 30 years ago was full of junkets and seventeen martini lunches and legal lobbyist graft all over. Remember that Gary Hart got in trouble b/c of a lobbyist junket with some bimbo.

Do we think politicians were MORE corrupt 30 years ago or today?

It's not about the system. You can ALWAYS figure out a way to game the system.
oh, man. I didn't know there'd be math... [rolleyes]
Hasn’t this been one of the few successful cases of taxes making a significant impact for their intended purpose?
It is...... The Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Act is one of the only things our government has done correctly.

To get rid of it would be outright shame. These politicians are f***ing morons.
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