45 degree offset sights for mlok rail?

Apr 1, 2015
Metrowest county
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So I have an mlok rail on one of my rifles. I have a Nikon P-223 scope on the picatinny rail on top of the receiver which leaves no room for a rear flip up buis. I was hoping to put 45 degree canted sights on the right side by mounting them to the rearmost and frontmost mlok slots on the top of the rail. However, I can not seem to find any 45 degree buis that will come with mlok slots. Am I SOL? Do I really need to buy 45 degree mlok to picatinny adapters just to put buis on them?
What optic mount/handguard are you using? I’m having trouble imagining why there’s no space behind or in front of the optic for offsets and an mlok slot has to be used since most handguards that have mlok on top also have a section of pic at the rear of it too.
What optic mount/handguard are you using? I’m having trouble imagining why there’s no space behind or in front of the optic for offsets and an mlok slot has to be used since most handguards that have mlok on top also have a section of pic at the rear of it too.
Think, like a sig m400 rail. There is pic rail on top of the receiver but ive got the p223 mounted on there and the mount’s are in the way. I know that mounting the rear buis on the mist rearward mlok slot will reduce the area between my rear and front buis but im not as concerned with that. Plus, I wanted to avoid mounting the rear on the receiver picatinny and the foreard on some sort of mlok to picatiny adapter because i am uncertain if they will line up as well as if I just mount the front and rear both off of the top mlok slots on the rail. Hooe that makes sense.
Think, like a sig m400 rail. There is pic rail on top of the receiver but ive got the p223 mounted on there and the mount’s are in the way. I know that mounting the rear buis on the mist rearward mlok slot will reduce the area between my rear and front buis but im not as concerned with that. Plus, I wanted to avoid mounting the rear on the receiver picatinny and the foreard on some sort of mlok to picatiny adapter because i am uncertain if they will line up as well as if I just mount the front and rear both off of the top mlok slots on the rail. Hooe that makes sense.
Sig makes a pic rail section for those to match the upper receiver height. I’d just get one or two of those for the top.
Sig makes a pic rail section for those to match the upper receiver height. I’d just get one or two of those for the top.
Do they make one thats 45 degree offset though? I haven’t found one. Rear sight will not fit at 12 oclock because of my scope, which is why i was trying for 45 degree offset in the first.
I meant get the pic rails and attach offset buis to the rails on top.
Yeah, that’s what I was trying to avoid if possible, was hoping someone knew of offset buis that could attach directly to the mlok slots on top of the rail. Seems like thats a no and I gotta get the adapters from mlok to pic rail then add the offsets to those.
If you're attaching directly to the mlok handguard, could you use straight flip up sights as opposed to offset? I think I've seen KAC mlok sights before
If you're attaching directly to the mlok handguard, could you use straight flip up sights as opposed to offset? I think I've seen KAC mlok sights before
I mean I could if I was tryna put them on top of the rail at 12 oclock or at 90 degrees at 3 oclock but I’m going for 45 degree sights here.the main reason I am going offset is that my scope and scope mount are in the way of a rear sight at 12 oclock.
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