21 killed, 18 injured in shooting at elementary school in Uvalde, Texas

I noticed that all the Liberal outlets and Lefties Never quote that 25 out of the 76 killed by the FBI and ATF with tanks and machine guns in Waco Tx. were Children !
Yes, I’m sure not SOP, for a good reason. But I’ve trained with a local SoNH PD that carries throw kits into active shooter drills. Now that I think of it, that was the 2nd/3rd responding units with the throw kits, while the 1st goes in ASAP. In every scenario, the LEO with the throw kits stayed on gun and passed screaming victims - I think the throw kits were an unwelcome add-on by some policymaker. In 2021, I trained with a ME regional SWAT that had their medic in the entry stack for active shooters with throw kits. The medic didn’t stop for shit - they were there for the team, not the victims. Vendors make the kits so admins figure they are needed. Some vendors started calling them Warm Zone Active Shooter kits.

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It gets screwy when second tier units show up. We did one where they purposely left one team in the mix and sent in a second team. The problem I have with it, as I was on the second team, they didn't tell us there was already 'good guys' inside. Which could very well happen if multiple agencies show up at different times. But it left a training scar.

We shot the shit out of each other. Wearing all the gear, including messed up Airsoft helmets, we couldn't see much and what we could see wasn't wearing a uniform. So, in training, two teams took each other out. Thankfully, Team 1 had already taken down the bad guy. So, yeah, more than likely, good guys are going to blue on blue without good coms.
WRT the Biden meeting with LEOs, the last thing his people want is to have a photo op with un-vetted LEOs that might be hung out to twist in the breeze for failure to engage. The optics would be horrible - little downside to snubbing the brave LEOs who did their jobs.

Those who did their jobs likely didn’t expect accolades, but to be disinvited is insulting. They’ll probably have some quiet ceremony where the Governor awards citations later. If there were and Biden/Dem voters among the LEOs, I’d expect a few to switch parties.
I doubt any Biden supporters are wearing green. I knew a few, but they kept it deep down, they knew they were in the minority. But among that particular group? While it's never a 0% possibility, I'd say it's extremely low. Remember our union came out for Trump, whether I agree with that particular decision as a public policy or not.
I've seen this sentiment a lot.

I watched the X-Files during the '90s; loved it. One of my main takeaways, as someone working for the government at the time, was that there was no way any of those plots could ever work because generally, the government is too incompetent to keep that kind of a secret for that long.

I still think the government is neither smart enough nor flexible enough nor imaginative enough to think of and successfully execute these kinds of false flags.

But I could be wrong, and let's say I am. IF the .gov is sharp enough to run so many of these, and IF they're clever enough to avoid the kinds of smoking guns that would make their involvement obvious, then WHY would they be so stupid as to make such an obvious error as providing top of the line DD weaponry to a shooter when they know full well the gun-totin' public is going to wonder about it?

Posters here have already told us firsthand that they were able to save plenty of money from their HS jobs. Why dismiss them and instead gravitate away from Occam's Razor? Either the government is smart, or it's dumb. Pick one, not both.
I just went to the Manhattan Project museum in Oak Ridge. The reason they were able to keep that a secret was only a handful of people knew the entire picture. They hired people, mainly females, right out of high school and told them how to work the machinery to keep it within certain parameters, but not what was actually being worked on. They knew not to wear metal, because of the HUGE, I need to reiterate, HUGE, magnets, but that was it.

I've already told the story about being informed of the operation I was doing one night at a Circle K. Something this big and convoluted? No way.
WRT the Uvalde shooter being a CIA plant, I was at a religious event Sunday morning and they did an impromptu memorial for the 35 killed in Buffalo & Uvalde. Those present were asked to volunteer grief & prayers and one person spoke of evil, assuming the Uvalde shooter was a White Supremacist targeting Brown kids. Everyone sort of shuffled around a bit and the leader just mentioned that the Uvalde mass shooting didn’t appear to have that element involved.

As they say, nature abhors a vacuum. Lacking information to the contrary, lots of possibilities rush in to fill the void.
It just goes to show you how effective the culture war programming is on the general population which is largely ignorant of reality and history. Assuming heavily reported shootings (while misrepresenting them, or not reporting at all the shootings that don't support the narrative) are perpetrated by white supremacists. Meanwhile 20 years ago the FBI said there were less than 5000 white supremacist's in the US.
From RealClearPolitics Sunday am edition:

At a time when Democrats desperately need young voters to turn out in midterm elections, where the electorate typically skews old and white, this generation’s intense feelings on gun violence could make it a more salient campaign issue.”

Call me crazy, but maybe worshipping government rather than God is the problem. Maybe extolling socialism rather than elevating self-evident truths is the problem. Maybe the moral nihilism presently taught in your local public schools, and not the law-abiding citizens exercising their constitutional right to protect themselves, is the problem.“

It is my dearest hope that we find a way out of this unending Tartarus that a callous minority of Americans have created for us, that having reached the depths of the pit as Dante once did, we can come out on the other side wiser.”

There is not an epidemic of mass shootings,” says James Alan Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University who has been tracking these events for decades and helps keep the AP/USA Today/Northeastern Mass Killing database. “What’s increasing and is out of control is the epidemic of fear.

Whatever the nominal motivations behind them, rampage shootings are nearly always a product of wounded masculinity. “They are the most masculine of crimes,” says Ralph Larkin, a criminologist at John Jay College who has studied mass shootings for decades. “Can you think of more than four or five female mass shooters? There aren’t any.” Shooters, Larkin says, are “marginal males who feel they have been wronged by society, and so they pick up a gun. There is always a sense of violated entitlement, and I don’t care whether it’s school shootings or racist shootings.”

These cops were all trained to use guns to protect the public and were all carrying guns to protect the public. But when the moment came to protect the youngest, most vulnerable and defenceless members of the public, they went AWOL.”

“So some of the good guys with guns were doing exactly what so many cops are accused of every day: menacing civilians and pushing them around and threatening to arrest them for doing nothing that was even remotely illegal.”
It gets screwy when second tier units show up. We did one where they purposely left one team in the mix and sent in a second team. The problem I have with it, as I was on the second team, they didn't tell us there was already 'good guys' inside. Which could very well happen if multiple agencies show up at different times. But it left a training scar.

We shot the shit out of each other. Wearing all the gear, including messed up Airsoft helmets, we couldn't see much and what we could see wasn't wearing a uniform. So, in training, two teams took each other out. Thankfully, Team 1 had already taken down the bad guy. So, yeah, more than likely, good guys are going to blue on blue without good coms.
Probably hasn’t happened yet as mass shootings are so rare and more often the shooting is over when the shooter does a selfie after the 1st responders arrive. Friendly fire between LEOs and from armed non-LEOs at an active shooting is a risk, but that fear is totally exploited by the anti-gun people, who claim CCW and armed teachers/SROs would be a terrible danger. I haven’t yet read any of the lunatic anti-gun crowd saying thank God there was no armed tearcher/SRO at Uvalde or things could have been much worse. But it’s coming…

When the GOP side starts negotiating with the Dems this week, they will start with more armed SROs, hardening schools, more LEO training grants, etc., and the ranid anti-gunners will be shrieking about pitched gun battles killing innocents and accidental shootings mowing down children and teachers.
All of those objects have other uses than to take lives

I agree with you that firearm were designed as a weapon to kill humans. Hunting and plinking are just adaptions of use.

The founding fathers gave us the 2A specifically so we would be prepared to kill. Fend off and kill the agents of a government that has become too authoritative and no longer represents the will of the people. Whether or not that is practical today with the array of equipment available to the blue liners is irrelevant, although with a widely armed population, in a grinding war of attrition, the authorities would eventually lose.

If we make semi automatic rifles illegal, and eventually every firearm illegal like Australia, do you think our government will become more or less benign with respect to eroding civil liberties? Although you personally may be fine with private ownership of pistols and shotguns, do you think the .gov is? In the absence of the population having any means at all to resist, do you think the .gov will become more or less authoritative? Get your vaxx! Your town must house xxxxx illegal refugees with no desire to assimilate! You will pay tax on unrealized gains! Tax this! Fee on that! Wear your seatbelt! Wear your helmet! You get the point.

Is that an attractive future to you? Do you think it will get better for your kids? And better still for their kids? Is big, unchecked government the answer?
I've seen this sentiment a lot.

I watched the X-Files during the '90s; loved it. One of my main takeaways, as someone working for the government at the time, was that there was no way any of those plots could ever work because generally, the government is too incompetent to keep that kind of a secret for that long.

I still think the government is neither smart enough nor flexible enough nor imaginative enough to think of and successfully execute these kinds of false flags.

But I could be wrong, and let's say I am. IF the .gov is sharp enough to run so many of these, and IF they're clever enough to avoid the kinds of smoking guns that would make their involvement obvious, then WHY would they be so stupid as to make such an obvious error as providing top of the line DD weaponry to a shooter when they know full well the gun-totin' public is going to wonder about it?

Posters here have already told us firsthand that they were able to save plenty of money from their HS jobs. Why dismiss them and instead gravitate away from Occam's Razor? Either the government is smart, or it's dumb. Pick one, not both.
I'll use another example to substantiate that the conspiracy scenario is at least probable: if you look at Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's private texts about Trump and Flynn, there are apparently individual actors among LE agencies that are zealous enough to stop at nothing, including felony, to achieve their political goals. And they have enough cohorts who know bits & pieces of these acts but choose to go along and turn a blind eye because they are sympathetic for the CAUSE. These people all believe ENDS JUSTIFIES THE MEANS.

Look how hard it has been for Durham to uncover ANYTHING in his investigation, it shows that there are coordinated efforts in our government to commit malfeasance, and I wouldn't put murdering children beyond their conscience. All it takes is a couple of 'retired agents' and a bunch more who choose to turn a blind eye.
I'll use another example to substantiate that the conspiracy scenario is at least probable: if you look at Peter Strzok and Lisa Page's private texts about Trump and Flynn, there are apparently individual actors among LE agencies that are zealous enough to stop at nothing, including felony, to achieve their political goals.

To cut to the chase, though, in this case you're saying it "is at least probable" that all those individual actors came together in pint-sized Uvalde, TX, joined the local police, and then agreed to wait 19 minutes to let a bunch of kids die, thus furthering their political goals.

Is that the notion? Just trying to make sure I'm comprehending the theory here. Because I think it's far more probable that they're simply like most other people in uniform: brave enough if well-led in a crisis, but prone to look for excuses not to act if their leaders make it clear they don't have to.
To cut to the chase, though, in this case you're saying it "is at least probable" that all those individual actors came together in pint-sized Uvalde, TX, joined the local police, and then agreed to wait 19 minutes to let a bunch of kids die, thus furthering their political goals.

Is that the notion? Just trying to make sure I'm comprehending the theory here. Because I think it's far more probable that they're simply like most other people in uniform: brave enough if well-led in a crisis, but prone to look for excuses not to act if their leaders make it clear they don't have to.
A handful of FBI's grooming mentally unstable prospects and some coward police chiefs are all it takes. We know how anti-gun Mass Association of Police Chiefs are, and I wouldn't put pass them that a few are tiny bit giddy about tragedies like this nudging the gun control discourse their way. Whether they'll purposefully hold back their troops in an active shooter scenario, I do not know, it's beyond incompetence and cowardice and teeters evil. I cannot judge their intent though.
A handful of FBI's grooming mentally unstable prospects and some coward police chiefs are all it takes. We know how anti-gun Mass Association of Police Chiefs are, and I wouldn't put pass them that a few are tiny bit giddy about tragedies like this nudging the gun control discourse their way. Whether they'll purposefully hold back their troops in an active shooter scenario, I do not know, it's beyond incompetence and cowardice and teeters evil. I cannot judge their intent though.

The simpler explanation is indecision on the part of a small-town "school police chief" who was way overmatched by a fluid situation.

That kind of thing happens all the time, in all sorts of contexts. It's well-researched and well-attested by social psychologists, historians, economists, and military science people.

I'll go with that one.
If the cops are loitering around outside it shouldn't be an issue .
Cops have a huge issue when people “do their job for them”. When they drive out to a scene and find it has already been handled by the community, they start looking for someone to charge with something. Maybe not always, but I’ve seen it enough to know it’s a thing.

I stopped on 24 one late night because a car was smoking on the side of the highway and I didn’t see anyone around. Wound up being an electrical fire under the hood and I put it out with and extinguisher. The owner was standing a bit away because she thought it was going to blow up.

A trooper pulled up and was quite angry that I had the audacity to break the law by stopping on the side of the highway lacking and emergency. Made a bunch of threats and generally gave me shit. This state would be so much better if we disbanded the state police except for the special units.

Author Peggy Noonan, right-leaning centrist journalist at WSJ 20yr+, may well be expressing what is likely to be the prevailing centrist/moderate tone. Love them or hate them, if the GOP leadership doesn’t delay any vote on gun laws for 2 weeks, odds increase there will be new laws. Even then, we might hope Dem leadership will lose control and allow poison-pill amendments (AWB, mag limits, etc.) that will give GOP and a few Dems reasons to vote against the bills.

Pretty much everyone knows we have too many guns in America, more than we have people. Everyone knows too many are in sick hands. If deeper background checks and a longer waiting period after purchase might help, move. I don’t have to be persuaded, I’m for them, not because I think they will solve the problem but they might get us an inch on the yardstick, and that’s something. I suspect a lot of people would see it like that.”
The simpler explanation is indecision on the part of a small-town "school police chief" who was way overmatched by a fluid situation.

That kind of thing happens all the time, in all sorts of contexts. It's well-researched and well-attested by social psychologists, historians, economists, and military science people.

I'll go with that one.
Both Hanlon and Occam's Razors would say that you're right. I know however, there IS malice in our government, actually lot of it, I simply cannot say if there is a malicious element in Uvalde.
Our POTUS has spoken - those deadly 9mm bullets, they'll blow a lung right out of the body...

Every time I think he can't say something stupider than he's already said, he proves me wrong.

And I seriously doubt that he was ever shown X-Rays. He just makes shit up.

Biden recounted been shown x-rays of what a firearm could do to the human body.

'The .22 caliber bullet will lodge in the lungs and we can get it out. A 9mm bullet blows the lung out of the body,' he said. 'The idea of a high caliber weapon, there is no rationale for it in terms of self-protection, hunting.'

A 9mm bullet is typically known as the ammo used in handguns - the most common type to conceal carry. It's not clear if Biden misspoke to mean a higher-caliber weapon such as the ones used in the recent mass shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde.

Biden calls McConnell a 'rational' Republican on gun reform issues
Both Hanlon and Occam's Razors would say that you're right. I know however, there IS malice in our government, actually lot of it, I simply cannot say if there is a malicious element in Uvalde.

Of course there's malice in our government. And contempt. And mistrust. And ill-will.

Thank goodness there's so little competence. As bad as things are, they would be much worse.
In my experience, the poors have a shocking amount of disposable income. The average suburbanite/rural person would be dumbfounded. Here's an experiment. Take a drive through whatever big dump city is closest to you. Take note of the cars you see parked there. Even the ones that arent luxury brands are newer models.

Housing, food, utilities, medical, education are all paid for. Work just enough so that you dont blow that up. Make a few dollars on the side and there's your DD. The feds may or may not be involved in many of these incidents, but an expensive rifle is not the smoking gun many think it is.
Where I live, we looked at all the benefits, programs, etc that are available to lower income people, there was about $60K in benefits available, food, housing , day care, insurance, other subsidies. That frees up your $ to get anything else you may want.
Where I live, we looked at all the benefits, programs, etc that are available to lower income people, there was about $60K in benefits available, food, housing , day care, insurance, other subsidies. That frees up your $ to get anything else you may want.
I'll say it again....the kid worked a fulltime job. He earned a paycheck and saved his money,
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