2014 Nashua (NH) Highpower Schedule

Oct 14, 2009
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Hello All,

Thank You to all of you that attended matches at NFGA last season to make our efforts a worthwhile success.
Seeing how people kept showing up for our matches we decided to run some more this coming year :)

Here is a link to the Preliminary Schedule

It may change slightly before the season arrives but it should be pretty close to where we will end up.

We worked closely with Reading Rifle to do the best we could coordinating matches with as little as possible overlap and conflicts for similar matches. Both clubs did the best we could to also avoid scheduling conflicts for the big matches at the clubs in Maine and Vermont as well as the National Championships at Camp Perry in Ohio.

I'm waiting for schedules from 2 more NH clubs to complete the Northeast Combined Schedule that I do. Once that is complete I will be posting that on the NFGA website as well.

Please feel free to offer any suggestions (here or to my email) for matches or clinics you would like to see more of or less of and any other input you would like to provide to help us better what we offer.

Thanks Again!
The 2014 NFGA Updated Schedule went up today on the High Power Page at http://www.nfga.org/highpower/highpower.html

There is also an updated Clinic Bulletin for the 4/26/14 Clinic.
Pre Registration is mandatory for this clinic and it fills up fast so if anyone here is interested contact Bob G asap.

Cheers to the new season once winter is done with us....

The 2014 NFGA Updated Schedule went up today on the High Power Page at http://www.nfga.org/highpower/highpower.html

There is also an updated Clinic Bulletin for the 4/26/14 Clinic.
Pre Registration is mandatory for this clinic and it fills up fast so if anyone here is interested contact Bob G asap.

Cheers to the new season once winter is done with us....


Do I have this right? NFGA is offering a high power clinic for $50 and providing rifles and ammo?

Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk
Do I have this right? NFGA is offering a high power clinic for $50 and providing rifles and ammo?


Did you read the thread at the link I posted about the clinic?

Did you sign up for the clinic?

Any questions?

Hello All / Detour Notice: For the shooters that travel to NFGA from the South

The small bridge on the Manchester street shortcut over to the club from the Henri A Burque Highway is out for construction all summer.

You will need to continue down the Henri A Burque Highway, then head North on Concord street and come in from the other end of Manchester street to get to the club. You will nedd about 5 - 10 extra minutes for this detour.

The League Match this Sunday starts at 8am sharp
Squadding closes at 7:50
I got the Northeast High Power Combined Schedule I usually do up every year completed and posted on the NFGA website today at http://www.nfga.org/highpower/pdfs/2014_NE_Highpower_Combined_Schedules_08MAY2014.pdf

I only list the clubs on this that the largest group of shooters I know and compete with in the NH/Mass Area attend.
There is no way I could list every club's schedule in the Northeast on this document.

If anyone would like a xls copy of it so you can modify it to include the clubs and matches you shoot at just email me at GSmith223 at Comcast dot net and I'll get it right out to you.

Thanks to all that came to shoot the NRA 80 at NFGA last Sunday!

The results are finally up @ http://www.nfga.org/highpower/pdfs/2014/2014_06_01_NRA_80_Round_Match.pdf
I sent the file to the new NFGA webmaster Monday night and it's only Wed's morning. he's not as fast as the last one but I should probably cut him some slack..... LOL

All kidding aside I try to get the scores for the matches I run posted online as soon as possible. I think it is nice for people to see how they did against the pack and amoung others in their class in like conditions.

The weather were absolutely perfect ( except for some occasionally slightly tricky mirage at 600 ) so any points dropped were all the fault of the shooter..... :)

I had some ok strings and some ok strings where I threw away points. My 1st 300 rapid had the 2nd mag of 8 in a very tight knot! Only problem was 7 of them were in the 9 ring at 6 O Clock........ Luckily, I did better on the 2nd string.

My excuses are;
I haven't dry fired at all or shot any AR22 small bore over the winter.
I haven't put my shooting jacket on since last October and shrunk so that it is now too tight in the middle.

Thanks again to those that came to shoot.
Makes doing all the range work and running the matches worth while to us.

HUGE Congradz to Dave Marshall !!!!!
who shot a 793-47X in yesterdays NRA Approved 80 Round Match at NFGA.

Some people we having some issues with the residual winds from Hurricane Arthur but David shot right thru it all.

I'm putting the scores together now for the NFGA webpage and to send to the NRA and his card ( as it often is ) is at the top of the pile....

Looks like his 1st sighter in offhand was a Miss.... then a 10
200 Yard Offhand 98-4 and a 97-4 for a 195-8X
200 Yard Sitting Rapid 100-6 and a 100-8 for a 200-14X
300 Yard Prone Rapid 100-8 and a 100-6 for a 200-14X
600 Slow Prone was a 98-4 and a 100-7 for a 198-11

Awesome Shooting Dave !!!!!
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Results are up on the NFGA webpage for the Championship and the EIC we held last weekend.
They can be viewed at http://www.nfga.org/highpower/2014_HP_Matches.html

There were excellent turnouts both days. We were 1 shooter short of a full range at 47 shooters for the Champs on Saturday. I was glad that we did not go over the 48 and I would have had to turn people getting there late away.

What turns alot of shooters off is having long days on the range to shoot a match.
Others do not like feeling rushed.
We strive to find a good balance to keep all shooters that attend NFGA matches happy.

With 3 relays we started just after 8am and I believe we were done just before 2pm thanks to all of the shooters moving along promptly at pit changes and having their sh!t together and not having to fire any alibi strings.

We would hate to turn people away but we do not want to go to 4 relays as nobody likes 4 relays.

Huge thanks to all that showed up to shoot at our range. We put a good amount of work into it and it makes it all worthwhile when we get good turnouts. I hope all that attended were happy with the range and the matches.

Pat, check your email.
I need to know if you want money or a medal for winning the Master Class
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With it pouring rain in the morning and the forecast of 60% chance of Thunderstorms all day yesterday I was surprised that 16 people showed up to shoot the scheduled NRA 80. I was even more surprised that the rain stopped and then held off until just after we were done!!!

Thank you to those that came out to shoot.

Just a note that there was no rain date needed for the State Championship or EIC last month so there will be an NRA Approved 80 this Saturday. There is also a NHHPRL league match this Sunday.

The start time for both of those matches is 9AM...

We do this late in the season to let the sun come up a little higher and the temps warm up before 1st shots downrange.

Squadding closes 15 mins prior to start times.
For anyone that was waiting on another NRA Approved Match Score for a initial classification or classification upgrade the scores from Sundays match are posted on the NFGA Webpage and I juts put the NRA match report in the mail to the NRA.
George, just to double-check, you are having an 80 this saturday, the 27th starting at 9?
I think I'll be down.
George, just to double-check, you are having an 80 this saturday, the 27th starting at 9?
I think I'll be down.

Hi Pat,
Yes NRA 80 this Saturday 9/27 with 1st rounds down range at 9am.

We also have a NHHPRL Match starting at 9am this Sunday with a free 600 yard practice after.

Notice for those that have shot matches at NFGA this season.

The location of our end of season cookout that is this Sunday 10/12 after the NHHPL League match has been changed.
We usually have it at the picnic area on club property. Due to the Board of Trustees new mandate of no Alcohol allowed on club property we will not be doing the cookout.

Instead we will now be going to the Tilted Kilt http://www.tiltedkilt.com/locations/nashua/ as soon as the NHHPRL League match is complete this Sunday. Sundays match is a 9am start so we should be around noon - 1pm.

NFGA will be buying 200 - 250 worth of food while we are at TK's.
Everyone attending will be responsible to buy their own drinks.

This invite is open to all shooters that support NFGA by attending our matches.
If you have only shot 1 - 2 matches with us this season you are still welcome to attend the get together at TK's on Sunday.

We have a Mid Range Prone Match tomorrow and then Sunday is the last match of the season.
Both are 9am starts... Hope to see you there.

Thank you to all the shooters that came to shoot at NFGA this season.

We are always open to ideas on how you feel we can improve our club, our schedule or our matches so feel free to post your input here, pm me or email me.


GSmith223 at Comcast dot net
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