Out bass fishing tonight with my son on a lake in the canoe some guy had the audacity to ask me to move because he wanted privacy for his fire pit with his drinking buds. I couldn't believe it. I've been fishing this lake since 1996 and not once had anyone say "hey can you go fish somewhere else?" He was polite but wicked condescending. He wouldn't give up after I said I'll be done soon. So I said "what's the law that says I can't fish here?" He gets all pissy pants and mopes away. Then says "Oh you're gonna be like that huh? What's the law huh?" Keep in mind I'm 30 yards from the shore. I started paddling away after a few more fish. Every five feet I yelled at him. "Hey is this far enough? How bout now? Am I still bothering you? What about know is this good?" I can't wait to go there tomorrow night and spend 4 hours fishing in front of his house. Anyone else ever get shit like that out fishing?

I can see where he's coming from but I'd never in a million years ask anyone to move and if I did I'd expect to be told to f*** off. I'm on Sokokis rn and my first thought was man there's too many people around. Go back tomorrow and blast Dean Martin all night lol.
Out bass fishing tonight with my son on a lake in the canoe some guy had the audacity to ask me to move because he wanted privacy for his fire pit with his drinking buds. I couldn't believe it. I've been fishing this lake since 1996 and not once had anyone say "hey can you go fish somewhere else?" He was polite but wicked condescending. He wouldn't give up after I said I'll be done soon. So I said "what's the law that says I can't fish here?" He gets all pissy pants and mopes away. Then says "Oh you're gonna be like that huh? What's the law huh?" Keep in mind I'm 30 yards from the shore. I started paddling away after a few more fish. Every five feet I yelled at him. "Hey is this far enough? How bout now? Am I still bothering you? What about know is this good?" I can't wait to go there tomorrow night and spend 4 hours fishing in front of his house. Anyone else ever get shit like that out fishing?
If you see him again pass this message along for me

Seen a video if a kid fishing from a kayak in a small cove with a couple houses and docks in it. Kid was tossing a lure near the docks. Old man comes out yelling at the kid......says its a "private cove"......kid politely tells him it's a public lake and nobody can own a cove.......old f***er says "well it is against the regulations to cast toward the shore" 🙄 kid not so politely says "it's a lake no matter what direction i cast it is toward the shore".
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If he wants privacy, tell him to put up a curtain To block the view of the pond.

I have waterfront in the back as well and have seen everything. Years ago, I even saw a young lesbian couple strip their clothes and lay on top of each other in the sun (true story!).

To OP, I would keep fishing there. You have free entertainment every time. 😈
If he wants privacy, tell him to put up a curtain To block the view of the pond.

I have waterfront in the back as well and have seen everything. Years ago, I even saw a young lesbian couple strip their clothes and lay on top of each other in the sun (true story!).

To OP, I would keep fishing there. You have free entertainment every time. 😈
Wait wait wait hold on.....

Are we talking two butch style lesbians?

One butch style and one lipstick lesbian?

Two lipstick lesbians?

These details are Veeeeeery important to this story.
You encounter Karen's and nice folks on the local lakes. Local pond I fish there is a guy that snow blows a skating rink for the kids all winter. Every storm he goes out and clears it off......older guy too and doesn't even have kids. I ice fish that pond a couple times a year and put in close to the skating rink. 2 times now when I'm loading my sled up he comes out and says "good morning......I know you have a right to fish anywhere on that lake and I can't tell you not to fish near the skating rink......but I keep it cleared for the kids so if you don't mind could you not drill holed on the rink". Nice guy. First time he talked to me I said who the hell would drill their holes on the skating rink? He said it happens almost every year and he has to go clear another area for the kids and the ice just isn't as clean.
In NH, this type of harassment may be illegal. Depending on your state, I would notify Fish and Game.

Then I would tell this shit head not to buy property bordering a public attraction and then be upset when the public are using it. I would also bring a stereo fishing with me tonight and turn it to 11 on whatever shitty pop country station you have in your area.

And then if you reeeeaaaally want to get creative, you can likely park that canoe right up on shore, stand on the beach, and still be on public property. His private property is generally going to begin where the high water mark is. It’s August, and we’ve been in a drought. So I can guarantee you some of that land there that he thinks is his, isn’t.
A friend bought a place up in Maine, NW of Portland on a decent sized lake. Come Summer, the neighbor has his sailboat put in and anchors it to the float literally midway offshore from my friend’s shore. When the wind turns the sailboat, it blocks access to his dock.

He asks the neighbor if he might dock the boat to one of the floats in front of his own shore and the neighbor says the formers owners said it was OK, but moved the sailboat. But still sometimes moors it in front of his shore. The last thing my friend wants to do it get in a pissing match with a neighbor as they are otherwise frIendly. Yet to be resolved this 2nd Summer.

Our SoNH neighborhood was a segment of property a NH native landowner had sold for development, 1/2mi into the woods off 114N at the Bedford/Goffstown border. Our first year, we saw a truck parked in front of our house. Later, a few guys in orange camp come walking through our backyard from the abandoned fields behind our house, also owned by that NH family, down our driveway and head for the truck. I politely let them know I don’t want them walking on my property and that it’s a private development, so they can’t park here either. There are No Trespassing signs at the field edge facing the field at the stone wall marking my property boundary. They get all pissy, saying the landowner gave them permission to hunt here for the past 20 years, it’s a public street, etc., and drive off. I call an officer with our PD I know with the plate number, who says they’ll have a chat with the guys.

The next week, the truck is back, so I call the officer back, who confirms that the owner was advised on trespass, so the PD come out and waits for them to issue a summons. Last I saw of them.

People can be real dicks…
Out bass fishing tonight with my son on a lake in the canoe some guy had the audacity to ask me to move because he wanted privacy for his fire pit with his drinking buds. I couldn't believe it. I've been fishing this lake since 1996 and not once had anyone say "hey can you go fish somewhere else?" He was polite but wicked condescending. He wouldn't give up after I said I'll be done soon. So I said "what's the law that says I can't fish here?" He gets all pissy pants and mopes away. Then says "Oh you're gonna be like that huh? What's the law huh?" Keep in mind I'm 30 yards from the shore. I started paddling away after a few more fish. Every five feet I yelled at him. "Hey is this far enough? How bout now? Am I still bothering you? What about know is this good?" I can't wait to go there tomorrow night and spend 4 hours fishing in front of his house. Anyone else ever get shit like that out fishing?
Nope, people tend not to mess with me like that. That douche would not have liked my response, BTW. Bring binoculars for next time.
So what is proper?
I was at a friend of mines place on a big lake, skinny lot with house, small beach, dock. Lake is probably 3/4 mile long, each nite someone parks 20' in front of his Dock and proceeds to fish, and yes casting towards his expensive boat.
It is a public lake but christ have some respect, friend owns maybe 75' of frontage and has to look at this each evening. There are many sections with no houses/camps. He doesnt say anything but at some point he will have enough.
So what is proper?
I was at a friend of mines place on a big lake, skinny lot with house, small beach, dock. Lake is probably 3/4 mile long, each nite someone parks 20' in front of his Dock and proceeds to fish, and yes casting towards his expensive boat.
It is a public lake but christ have some respect, friend owns maybe 75' of frontage and has to look at this each evening. There are many sections with no houses/camps. He doesnt say anything but at some point he will have enough.
That dock is 'structure' for the fish. If is an area that is low depths that may be why the fisherman is there.
So what is proper?
I was at a friend of mines place on a big lake, skinny lot with house, small beach, dock. Lake is probably 3/4 mile long, each nite someone parks 20' in front of his Dock and proceeds to fish, and yes casting towards his expensive boat.
It is a public lake but christ have some respect, friend owns maybe 75' of frontage and has to look at this each evening. There are many sections with no houses/camps. He doesnt say anything but at some point he will have enough.
Well, docks hold fish, so they're going to get fished. I will actually skip the past that section of shoreline if someone is enjoying their back yard/dock (I'm partial to quieter ponds in general). As far as casting twists towards their expensive boat, I'm not sure what damage a competent fisherman is going to do to a boat.

Part of me would like to live on a pond. Part of me knows I would need to own the whole pond to really enjoy it...Not sure your friend thought about what it would be like. Another example, I would never live on a golf course because I wouldn't want people basically in my back yard. Added benefit is stray balls? WTF?
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Tell party boy to eff off....

Of course you should also check local laws...but for the most part, this.....

Littoral rights refer to the legal use and enjoyment of the shoreline for land that borders a pooled body of water like a pond, lake, or sea.

Littoral land refers to land that borders a pooled body of water, such as a lake, ocean, or sea. This differs from riparian land that borders a flowing water source like a river or stream. Littoral rights are generally concerned with the legal use and enjoyment of the shoreline. Littoral proprietors are occupants of land that border these bodies of water. However, individuals do not have title to or ownership of the water.

Nevertheless, property owners whose land adjoins bodies of water have a reasonable right to the use of the water, but the water is not theirs. Therefore, there are limitations to what a property owner can do with that water.
So what is proper?
I was at a friend of mines place on a big lake, skinny lot with house, small beach, dock. Lake is probably 3/4 mile long, each nite someone parks 20' in front of his Dock and proceeds to fish, and yes casting towards his expensive boat.
It is a public lake but christ have some respect, friend owns maybe 75' of frontage and has to look at this each evening. There are many sections with no houses/camps. He doesnt say anything but at some point he will have enough.
Has to look at what? A guy fishing? If that bothers him I'd say your friend is an over sensitive Karen type bitch as well.

Me? I'd head down to the dock and ask him how the fishing is.....every night.

As far as your actual question....what is proper?.......your buddy doesn't own the water. Period. End of story.
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