NH Gun Grab 2024?

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Aug 3, 2018
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Big day Friday Feb 2nd for NH gun grabbers! Need to ask you all to take 5 mins and log your positions….

Go here:
The New Hampshire House of Representatives

Select: Feb 2nd
Select: House Criminal Justice & Public Safety

Here are the bills and suggestions (note this is from a gun grabber site so I corrected):

9:30 a.m. HB 1050-FN, relative to establishing a voluntary waiver of the right to purchase a firearm. This bill allows for a voluntary do-not-sell list. SUPPORT OPPOSE

10:00 a.m. HB 1186-FN, relative to firearm purchaser’s privacy. This bill prohibits the assigning of a specific merchant code to the sale of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories. OPPOSE SUPPORT

10:30 a.m. HB 1336, relative to employees’ firearms in locked vehicles. This bill prohibits employers from inquiring into, searching for, or banning employee's storage of firearms or ammunition in their locked vehicles and provides civil immunity to employers for any economic loss, injury, or death that results from an employer's adherence to this law. OPPOSE SUPPORT

11:00 a.m. HB 1337-FN, relative to the return of weapons and ammunition upon expiration of protective orders. This bill changes the burden to the plaintiff to file a request for a hearing prior to the expiration of a protective order or else any and all firearms, ammunition, or specified deadly weapons will be returned to the defendant. This bill further removes the prohibition that law enforcement agencies shall not release firearms, ammunition, or specified deadly weapons without a court order. OPPOSE SUPPORT

11:30 a.m. HB 1711-FN, authorizing the state to report the names of prohibited persons to the NICS firearms background check system for those adjudicated for involuntary mental health commitments, or not deemed competent to stand trial. The bill also establishes a process to restore firearms rights ("relief") post-commitment. SUPPORT Meh. I suppose they will report us all so OPPOSE.

12:00 p.m. HB 1701-FN, relative to annulments of records related to involuntary commitments (establishes an inadequate and harmful process) OPPOSE SUPPORT
Thanks for putting this out. I can't believe (!) that they don't/can't a description or summary of the bill on their feedback site.
Yeah it’s a bit of a cross referencing pain in the ass. The bill text can be found pretty easily if you search “NH HB####” on the web.

New Hampshire state Senate defeats series of gun control bills

The New Hampshire state Senate defeated a series of gun control bills on Thursday.
Legislation to enforce a gun purchase waiting period, expand background checks and a red flag law all went down along party lines....
Final chance to stop this bill.

What: HB 1711-FN, a bill to seize your firearms when a shrink or bureaucrat declares you unfit.
When: Tuesday, April 16th, 2024, 2pm, (If you cannot get there at 2pm, come as soon as possible,)
Where: Senate Judiciary Committee: State House Room 100, 107 N. Main Street Concord, NH.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is very concerned that this massive gun control bill might pass the Senate and we need your help to stop it!

We face a critical moment with HB 1711-FN, a proposed legislation with severe implications for gun owners in our state. This bill allows for the confiscation of firearms from individuals based on psychological and bureaucratic assessments, bypassing the due process that should accompany any infringement on our constitutional rights.

Labeled as a "red flag" law, it misuses the guise of mental health safety to undermine the Second Amendment protections guaranteed to us. The troubling aspect of this bill is that it doesn't require a criminal act to strip citizens of their rights; merely the judgment of "unfitness" by officials is enough to seize legally owned firearms.

The House passed the bill with the 'help' of 25 gun grabbing republicans and all of the gun grabbing Democrats and this is our ONLY remaining chance to stop this bill in the legislature.

The bill is so bad that every gun group in the state and most of the national groups are against it. Even one of the bill's co-sponsors, Rep. Jonathan Stone (R-Sull. 8) realized how bad it was and voted against it.

Your support of NHFC this session helped to stop eight bills attacking your right to keep and bear arms. The bill is now before the State Senate Judiciary Committee, and I know I can count on your help to stop this awful deception.

This is not just about protecting rights but also about recognizing the ineffectiveness of such legislation. Evidence suggests that the majority of mental health sufferers pose no danger to the public, and the current proposal does nothing to address the root causes or offer support to those in need. Instead, it penalizes the law-abiding. The response from firearm organizations at both state and national levels has been overwhelmingly negative, signifying the bill's overreach and potential for harm.

Now, we need a robust response: Here is what you need to do to stop this bill.

1. Presence is Power: On Tuesday, 4/16 at 2pm, there's a Senate Judiciary Hearing in State House Room 100. It's essential to be there in person to demonstrate our commitment to gun rights.
2. Direct Action: Contact your state senator without delay. Personal stories and respectful arguments on why you oppose HB 1711-FN can make a difference. [Find Your Senator Here]
3. Virtual Voice: Sign in online to officially register your opposition. Every name counts in showing the breadth of resistance to this bill. [Sign in your opposition here]
4. Community Engagement: Discuss with friends, family, and fellow supporters. Share on Facebook and other social media sites, let your friends at your club know. Share information and urge them to join in these actions. A collective effort magnifies our message.

This is about more than guns; it's about civil liberties and the principles of justice. The time to defend our rights is now, before they are eroded silently. Make your voice heard.

I'm asking you to contact your State Senator to oppose this horrible bill when it reaches the Senate floor. Moreover, urge your Senator to oppose any effort to further amend this monstrosity.

Please contact your State Senator immediately.

Here is a pre-written email and email addresses for the committee: (CLICK HERE) for the pre-formatted email to the committee.

[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];

Dear Honorable Senators,
HB 1711-FN is a bill that confiscates firearms from law-abiding citizens of the Granite State under the auspices of psychologists and state bureaucrats who can declare someone "unfit."
Essentially, HB 1711-FN is another "red flag" bill, using "mental health" as the mask to strip away our 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear arms, even though a "founded" individual has done nothing wrong.
Rather than focus on mental health issues and fixing our extremely broken system, some legislators decided to use mental health as an excuse to infringe upon 2nd Amendment rights that are protected by our Constitution. The majority of people with mental health issues are more likely to be victims than criminals.
HB 1711-FN is so bad that major state and national-level firearms organizations have come out against it. Moreover, the premise of this bill is so bad that even an effort to amend it will not make it better.
As organizations who represent thousands of Granite Staters who take their 2nd Amendment rights seriously, we urge you to vote Inexpedient To Legislate.
Final chance to stop this bill.

What: HB 1711-FN, a bill to seize your firearms when a shrink or bureaucrat declares you unfit.
When: Tuesday, April 16th, 2024, 2pm, (If you cannot get there at 2pm, come as soon as possible,)
Where: Senate Judiciary Committee: State House Room 100, 107 N. Main Street Concord, NH.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition is very concerned that this massive gun control bill might pass the Senate and we need your help to stop it!

We face a critical moment with HB 1711-FN, a proposed legislation with severe implications for gun owners in our state. This bill allows for the confiscation of firearms from individuals based on psychological and bureaucratic assessments, bypassing the due process that should accompany any infringement on our constitutional rights.

Labeled as a "red flag" law, it misuses the guise of mental health safety to undermine the Second Amendment protections guaranteed to us. The troubling aspect of this bill is that it doesn't require a criminal act to strip citizens of their rights; merely the judgment of "unfitness" by officials is enough to seize legally owned firearms.

The House passed the bill with the 'help' of 25 gun grabbing republicans and all of the gun grabbing Democrats and this is our ONLY remaining chance to stop this bill in the legislature.

The bill is so bad that every gun group in the state and most of the national groups are against it. Even one of the bill's co-sponsors, Rep. Jonathan Stone (R-Sull. 8) realized how bad it was and voted against it.

Your support of NHFC this session helped to stop eight bills attacking your right to keep and bear arms. The bill is now before the State Senate Judiciary Committee, and I know I can count on your help to stop this awful deception.

This is not just about protecting rights but also about recognizing the ineffectiveness of such legislation. Evidence suggests that the majority of mental health sufferers pose no danger to the public, and the current proposal does nothing to address the root causes or offer support to those in need. Instead, it penalizes the law-abiding. The response from firearm organizations at both state and national levels has been overwhelmingly negative, signifying the bill's overreach and potential for harm.

Now, we need a robust response: Here is what you need to do to stop this bill.

1. Presence is Power: On Tuesday, 4/16 at 2pm, there's a Senate Judiciary Hearing in State House Room 100. It's essential to be there in person to demonstrate our commitment to gun rights.
2. Direct Action: Contact your state senator without delay. Personal stories and respectful arguments on why you oppose HB 1711-FN can make a difference. [Find Your Senator Here]
3. Virtual Voice: Sign in online to officially register your opposition. Every name counts in showing the breadth of resistance to this bill. [Sign in your opposition here]
4. Community Engagement: Discuss with friends, family, and fellow supporters. Share on Facebook and other social media sites, let your friends at your club know. Share information and urge them to join in these actions. A collective effort magnifies our message.

This is about more than guns; it's about civil liberties and the principles of justice. The time to defend our rights is now, before they are eroded silently. Make your voice heard.

I'm asking you to contact your State Senator to oppose this horrible bill when it reaches the Senate floor. Moreover, urge your Senator to oppose any effort to further amend this monstrosity.

Please contact your State Senator immediately.

Here is a pre-written email and email addresses for the committee: (CLICK HERE) for the pre-formatted email to the committee.

[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];
[email protected];

Dear Honorable Senators,
HB 1711-FN is a bill that confiscates firearms from law-abiding citizens of the Granite State under the auspices of psychologists and state bureaucrats who can declare someone "unfit."
Essentially, HB 1711-FN is another "red flag" bill, using "mental health" as the mask to strip away our 2nd Amendment rights to keep and bear arms, even though a "founded" individual has done nothing wrong.
Rather than focus on mental health issues and fixing our extremely broken system, some legislators decided to use mental health as an excuse to infringe upon 2nd Amendment rights that are protected by our Constitution. The majority of people with mental health issues are more likely to be victims than criminals.
HB 1711-FN is so bad that major state and national-level firearms organizations have come out against it. Moreover, the premise of this bill is so bad that even an effort to amend it will not make it better.
As organizations who represent thousands of Granite Staters who take their 2nd Amendment rights seriously, we urge you to vote Inexpedient To Legislate.

I thought all the Republican senators/reps sunk all gun control bills in NH, now you have them voting for them???

Backlash from that shooting at the safety complex in Concord awhile back.
So predictable. If you walked in now and said "Boo" they'd call out a SWAT team.
In general, the NH legislature is good when it comes to protecting our rights. Far better than MA for example. This bill is in the category of never let a crisis go to waste and they are pushing a bad mental health bill using the former Chief of Police of Franklin who was murdered at the NH Hospital.

We need everyone to let their neighbors and friends know about this horrible bill. Here is a sharable link. Please let your other NH gun owners know that we need them there on Tuesday Afternoon 4/16 at 2pm. The "mom's groups" who are funded by Bloomberg will be there.
Link below

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From the Women’s Defense League: The MOST important gun control hearing of the year will be coming up next week in the New Hampshire Senate Judiciary Committee.

On Tuesday, April 16th at 2:00 PM, the Judiciary Committee will hear arguments on House Bill 1711. The hearing will take place in room 100 at the State House.

What is HB 1711?

The proposed legislation targets gun owners. If a gun owner has a mental health crisis and a court requires them to be committed, their firearms will be confiscated.

If someone is so dangerous to themselves or others that they are committed to a mental health institution, WHY are they being let out before they are well again? WHY are they being let out if they are NEVER well again? These people are IN the hospital, they have already lost all freedoms. What is the necessity in confiscating firearms they don’t have access to?

**People with mental illness are more likely to be victims of crime rather than commit crimes.**

No other potential ‘weapons’ are confiscated from a person who is adjudicated to a mental hospital (VERY similar to Red Flag Laws).

NO laws will have been broken by the gun owners to whom this legislation applies. People intent on harming themselves or others WILL DO SO, regardless of the law.

The sponsors are IGNORING the real issues of mental health and violent behavior and how to address them. It’s much easier to attack gun owners than to fix an incredibly broken system, that was broken by the government.... [Link at the top for the balance of the article]
Any info available yet on the aftermath of the hearing?


Much appreciated!
Great news: NH Senate Judiciary cmte votes to ITL HB1711, the bill still needs to be voted on by the full senate. Call your own senator at this point and ask them to agree with the Senate Judiciary cmte recommendation of ITL.
You've heard this one before - an anti-gun bill needs to be killed.

Unfortunately, we've already killed this bill. Now it's back, thanks to Republican Chairman of the House Criminal Justice & Public Safety Committee - Rep. Terry Roy.

House Bill 1711 - which was tabled in the Senate last week - was revived this morning when Roy attached it to a Senate bill. This move means we need you to take action one more time to make sure this language stays dead.

Contact Senate President Jeb Bradley today at 603.271.3479 and politely ask him to make sure this language never becomes law.

In case you forgot - House Bill 1711 is a red flag bill that confiscates firearms from people without due process.

While we're on the subject - the Republican sponsor? Let's meet Rep. Terry Roy (R-Deerfield). Take a look at this excerpt from Roy v. Dufort, 11 Mass. L. Rptr. 73 (1999)

Yes, Rep. Terry Roy was once Officer Roy - but he was deemed "not a suitable person to be licensed to possess a firearm" based on false answers, a felony conviction, and more.

The same Terry Roy that is now trying to restrict YOUR right to possess firearms.

And - unfortunately - Rep. Roy had a violent outburst on the House floor on Thursday morning while debating this bill - angrily confronting a Republican colleague who was fighting for our rights.

It got so heated that State Police had to enter the chamber and the session was recessed while the situation was controlled.

Rep. Roy doesn't respect our Constitutional rights, he doesn't respect his colleagues, and quite ironical he might fit the description of those who would have their firearms removed under this unconstitutional gun grab.

So, after you've called Senate President Jeb Bradley - call Speaker Sherm Packard (R-Londonderry) and ask that Roy be removed from his Chairmanship immediately. He isn't fit to oversee the work that committee is charged with.

The Speaker's office can be reached at (603) 271-3661.

To recap, two action items:
1. Ask Senate President Bradley to ensure the language of HB1711 never gets close to being law (603.271.3479) , and
2. Demand Rep. Roy be removed from his position as Chair of the Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee for conduct unbecoming (Speaker Packard - (603) 271-3661)

There's only a few weeks left - let's make sure we escape this session without any unconstitutional gun grabs sneaking into law. It's up to you.
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