WTF is going on with the Marine Corps?

Andy in NH

NES Life Member
NES Member
Aug 14, 2007
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When I first read this I thought it was a story from the Onion...

Marines to Shut Down All Tank Units, Cut Infantry Battalions in Major Overhaul

In the next decade, the Marine Corps will no longer operate tanks or have law enforcement battalions. It will also have three fewer infantry units and will shed about 7% of its overall force as the service prepares for a potential face-off with China.

The Marine Corps is cutting all military occupational specialties associated with tank battalions, law enforcement units and bridging companies, the service announced Monday. It's also reducing its number of infantry battalions from 24 to 21 and cutting tiltrotor, attack and heavy-lift aviation squadrons.

WTF is going on with the Corps?
Force restructuring. AKA the subs and fighters we are buying cost so much that we have to reduce troop strength so we can can buy more fighters.
The CMC does away with tanks and most of the artillery "to save money" and "focus on future threats", now he wants to hunt submarines?
Both North Korea and China have more subs than we do. Russia is close to us in numbers.
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