Woman rescued from car trapped by floodwaters in Newton

Jul 13, 2005
Eastern Mass.
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A story of true survival.

Woman rescued from car trapped by floodwaters in Newton

Newton Police and firefighters rescued a woman trapped in her car by floodwaters in the rear of the TJ Maxx parking lot on Needham Street late Wednesday afternoon. The woman’s grey sedan was caught in about eight inches of water when she was carried out of her car. An SUV driven by a good Samaritan was also trapped in the lot.

Read more: - Newton, Massachusetts - Newton TAB http://www.wickedlocal.com/newton/n...rapped-by-floodwaters-in-Newton#ixzz211m0p8B6


[rolleyes][rolleyes][rolleyes] out of [rolleyes][rolleyes][rolleyes][rolleyes][rolleyes]
Well, for the amount of taxes they pay, these frisky Newton housewives might consider they are entitled to be lifted out of trouble by hunky firefighters once a while.
8" of water and she was going to do what . . . drown sitting there?

I hope they took her out in a boat! [laugh] Maybe a Zodiac? [rofl]
LenS said:
8" of water and she was going to do what . . . drown sitting there?

I hope they took her out in a boat! [laugh] Maybe a Zodiac? [rofl]

I sure hope so... it would be horrible if she experienced the slightest bit of discomfort. I hope that boat had a cabin and an AC ... if not, that poor poor woman. The world is a terrible place.
You guys are jerks to judge, you don't know if she can swim or not.
Well, for the amount of taxes they pay, these frisky Newton housewives might consider they are entitled to be lifted out of trouble by hunky firefighters once a while.

heh, "Just part of the service, Ma'am."

But seriously, natural selection @fail.

I used to live in Newton, on a fairly busy street. When it rained heavily, the storm drains would back up, and anyone who went screwing through what would often be 2'-3' of water(I guess if you go fast enough, your engine won't flood?) would cause a colossal wave to come half-way up the lawn and wash away all my father's lovingly placed bark mulch.

So one Saturday, after a very heavy rain, this kid in a Honda tries flying through the 3' of water...and fails. The water was up to his windows, and his car started flooding, so he opens the sunroof and climbs up on the roof of the car to figure out what to do. Cue my father, standing on the porch in his underwear holding a beer, yelling at this poor kid for messing up his mulch bed. The poor kid had no idea what to do or say. I just went in the house.

Later, as I was sitting on the porch alone, this little girl comes up to me and says, "Don't worry about your father embarrassing you. That's just what parents do." From the mouths of babes.
You guys are jerks to judge, you don't know if she can swim or not.

[rofl] [rofl]

Unless she is very thin, with no boobs, she probably couldn't swim in 8" of water! I know that my belly would be scraping bottom in that much water.[laugh]

If she was a "true believer" she should have been able to walk on water to get out without getting her shoes wet! [laugh]
Do you think the Fire fighters were able to keep a straight face while "rescuing" her? I don't think I would have been able to.
Two commenters claim they were there and that, at the time of the emergency call, the water was approaching the roof. However, by the time the firefighters arrived the water had receded significantly.
Two commenters claim they were there and that, at the time of the emergency call, the water was approaching the roof. However, by the time the firefighters arrived the water had receded significantly.

If that was true, her concern and rescue is legit.

If it really was only 8" deep and she insisted on being carried out, they should have thrown her over a FF's shoulder like a sack of potatoes to carry her out . . . assuming she wasn't 400+ #!
If that was true, her concern and rescue is legit.

If it really was only 8" deep and she insisted on being carried out, they should have thrown her over a FF's shoulder like a sack of potatoes to carry her out . . . assuming she wasn't 400+ #!

I agree. Although there are other factors that would contribute to how I would rescue her. For instance, did she look like this?


or this

Not likely, the bushes and mulch just to the left of the fire truck looks untouched. If the water was that high that would be a mess. Also that would be about 4 feet of water, that just does not "go away" unless it too the FD a couple days to get there.
Two commenters claim they were there and that, at the time of the emergency call, the water was approaching the roof. However, by the time the firefighters arrived the water had receded significantly.

Let's just say, that comment in the link was made as sarcasm
Well, for the amount of taxes they pay, these frisky Newton housewives might consider they are entitled to be lifted out of trouble by hunky firefighters once a while.

The residential tax rate in Newton is $11.17/thousand assessed. Mine is well over $14/thousand, and I can tell you my wife wouldn't be caught dead calling for a rescue in this situation.
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