What's The Average "Street" Price Of An Illegal Gun?

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A friend of mine who lived in some sketchy areas of south Boston described the "Block Gun" meaning that people shared a gun and stashed it in a known hiding place for use by whoever needed it. So, in this scenario, cost of ownership if $0
A friend of mine who lived in some sketchy areas of south Boston described the "Block Gun" meaning that people shared a gun and stashed it in a known hiding place for use by whoever needed it. So, in this scenario, cost of ownership if $0

I'd love to know all the geocache locations on those.

Does anyone else ever wonder what gems are floating around on the black market?
I had heard way back in the day when I was in high school from them people. Some of them would sell them in the park across from the school that it was priced by the amount of bodies on a gun. It sounded like you could get them from any where from $50.00 to $1,200.00.
I have been involved in a couple undercover gun buys plus have been privy to a few other gun selling encounters. Sellers come in a couple types, the crack head/thief with the stolen piece, the straw purchase guy or the high end guy. The price seems to be dependant on the class of the seller and the class of the buyer. I have seen cheap AKs and ARs go for $1,500 and have seen Colt revolvers used in shootings go for $50.

Some guys are hooked into NFA items and even a LAWS - yes I saw it, yes I am X-military and yes it was real. As I recall a full Auto UZI in 1990 was $300, but he was asking $500. I didn't ask about the LAWS.

No I do not deal in this my brother was friends with the guy and it is nothing but trouble.

LAWS = Light Anti-tank Weapon System (A rocket)

Lest I neglect to spell it out - Illegal Guns as specified in this thread - are just that illegal and unless you want to go to Federal PMITA Prison - steer clear.
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I don't remember this question ever being asked here before.
Not that I expect most of you to know the answer, I'm curious because I'm always reading in the news of how easy it is to get a gun "on the street".
It seems the MSM is convinced that every 12 year old living in the projects knows where to get a gun, no matter what the laws of any particular state are, so why hasn't anyone asked the price of these guns?
Do they go for more than the new legitimate price, or less?
I'm guessing that drug dealers probably have lots of disposable cash, so they can afford whatever they want, but what about the other poor urban ghetto dwellers? They're certainly getting guns too, but how much are they paying?

Most guns that are cheap would be dirty they go from 200-600 depending the quality of it n the caliber clean guns go from 300 to up to 1k ar dirty would go from 500 to 1.5k clean average 1k to 2.5k yeah you can buy one legally for less but remember most people that wants a gun would pay for it if they can’t legally get it I know cause that’s the value around the area where I grew up from
Not quite record, but a petty interesting first post from a new member.


I caught the thread title and my first thought was, "Nice try, Maura," but then I saw you were the OP. And then I saw it was a post from when my high schooler was a toddler.

Always nice to see some of the old names.
It's like telling Chat GPT to write an answer but present it like a first grader would write it.
Not quite record, but a pretty interesting first post from a new member.
Makes me wonder what he was searching for to land on this thread ???

Oh I think it's sports-announcer type record.

"That's the longest catch by a running back while wearing #23, Biff. That guy really can run, can't he?"

Longest necro by a first post - EVER! This thread should be stickied in commemoration.
It's funnny Zap, I've asked myself that question.

I wouldn't know how to find an illegal gun, nevermind know how much it would cost.

If straw purchasers out of state bring the guns in, then they would have to sell for a lot more than retail to make any money.

I know the big drug guys have the money for any guns, but like you said, the neighbor"hood" yokel can't drop a grand on a SIG. I'll bet there are some very cheap and low quality guns out there.
Super easy
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